Thursday, March 29, 2012

APRIL 10th VOTE | 8:00am - 8:00pm


The following information was submitted by the
The Save Arundel Group and other Concerned Arundel Citizens
for Public Viewing.

~ What you need to know before the April 10th vote ~

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

~ About the FIRST vote on April 10th  ~ 
  • Voting YES is not a vote against EDUCATION!
  • Voting YES is not a vote for withdrawal of the RSU!
  • Voting YES will allow an independent study to be done that will give all of us information we are so desperately looking for.
  • Voting YES will also allow us to form a Withdrawal Committee to create a plan to withdraw. This is a mandatory step of the withdrawal process, mandated by the State of Maine.
There will only be one question on the Ballot. Please see below.
If the yes vote does not pass, then it will be two years before another petition can be signed to withdraw from the RSU.
~ Ballot for April 10th ~
It will be stated like this:
Do you favor filing a petition for withdrawal with the Board of Directors of Regional School Unit 21 and with the Commissioner of Education, authorizing the Withdrawal Committee to expend $35,000 and authorizing the Board of Selectman to issue notes in the name of the Town of Arundel or other-wise pledge the credit of the Town of Arundel in an amount not to exceed $35,000 for this purpose?

Yes  X               No ____

Note: Absentee ballots are available now at the town hall and remember no absentee voting is allowed three business days before the election ***

~ About the Second and Final vote ~
(This will only occur if we win the April 10th Vote)
We will ALL have the information we need to make an informed decision before the final vote.
The Maine State Board of Education will approve the plan before it can go to a vote, so the Town will know this a solid plan.
We would LOVE to have this vote take place during the presidential election in November, but this may be an aggressive timeline.

~ About the $35,000 ~
Arundel’s Board of Selectman came up with this figure that needs to be voted on April 10th. This is the breakdown:

$12,000 Consultant Fee/Study (This may change)
This is for a study from an unbiased group to determine if withdrawal is the right move for our town. The Board of Selectman feels this is necessary to ensure citizens make the right decision on withdrawal from the RSU21.
Page 1.
$15,000 Legal Counsel
Attorney work, negotiations, etc.

$ 8,000 Buffer
This is for unexpected cost/overages, such as the consultant fee.

This money would be taken from the ‘Undesignated Funds’ for our town which has MILLIONS of dollars in it.

The $35,000 is a very SMALL fraction of these funds and is ESSENTIAL to the giving us the information we need to make an informed decision.

A few important side notes:
All this money may not be needed.
Any of this money not spent will stay in the undesignated funds account.

~ Here’s What You Need to Know ~
When we joined with RSU 21:
We gave them a Quit Claim Deed to our school for $0.
We gave them 6 buses, one of which was brand new, for $0.
We gave them approximately $460,000 of Arundel taxpayer’s carry forward money.
We gave them $95,000 of Arundel’s tax dollars refunded from federal contingency money.
Our mold issues at ML Day were REMEDIATED and PAID for.
Our school and busses were PAID for and we had $0 in debt.
Our Arundel school board negotiated with Thornton Academy to provide us with a brand new middle school that is state of the art for nothing more than the state minimum tuition to Arundel tax payers.
Again $0 debt to Arundel taxpayers.
(I think we can all agree- Arundel did a LOT of things right.)

We were told the TAMS contract would not be affected, yet as we all know it was
in serious jeopardy last year.

Note: One of the buses we gave the RSU21 had to be decommissioned.

Since we have joined with RSU 21:

We have NO CONTROL over how the money is spent in the school district, yet
approximately 75% of our taxes are spent on schooling our children.
The Supporters of the RSU say we have three elected officials on the RSU21 School Board and they are OUR VOICE. Unfortunately, three votes out of twelve gets Arundel NO WHERE!

They mention our strong voting influence- An example of this would be Arundel has voted down EVERY school budget since we have been involved in RSU21, yet it passes every year. This is NOT voting power for Arundel.
We have taken on New Debt for problems that occurred, prior to us joining RSU 21. With just the Middle School of the Kennebunks (MSK) alone we will be paying $16,000 for 10 years.
Some Budget Information-
To offset the increase in the school budget, other town departments were cut, so taxes would not be increased. (This cannot continue).
To offset the increase in the school budget, a surplus in the undesignated funds was used, so taxes would not be increased.
Our taxes have gone up every year at a disproportional rate compared to Kennebunk and Kennebunkport.

A few notes on the RSU Supporters Handout-
The numbers used on their handout were the original numbers that they wanted to put in the Arrow. The numbers were produced by Jack Reetz (Pro RSU21 Arundel Rep and Andrew Dolloff RSU21 Superintendant). These numbers were reviewed by Todd Shea (our town manager) and he could NOT VERIFY them and therefore could not use them.
Please take a moment to look at the figures posted in the Arrow verses the numbers they passed out to you.
Please also note in 2009, we were part of the RSU21, yet this figure was added to the Pre-RSU side with a massive increase.

~ Here’s What We Do Know ~

After April 10th, it would be too late to back out and not be on the hook for the money spent by RSU 21- the biggest expense being the high school renovations.

Arundel has high school choice, yet only 6% of Kennebunk High School students are from Arundel. Why would we want to pay to renovate a high school that so few of our children attend plus tuition, when all we need to pay for is tuition?

Note: At this time Arundel students cannot attend MSK without paying tuition, but this will change once the contract with TAMS expires in 2016. If we do not withdraw from the RSU21, the RSU21 will have the say as to whether they will sign a new contract with Thornton Academy and we all know this will not happen. Last year was the proof of this.

Arundel has a GREAT deal with TAMS. Our children get a top notch education for the state minimum tuition. If TAMS needs renovating, Arundel tax payers pay $0.

Note: There is a waiting list to get into TAMS. This and the overwhelming vote that
took place last year supporting TAMS is a clear indication that TAMS is a school of excellence that we are extremely fortunate to be a part of.

People move to Arundel for high school choice and now they move to Arundel so their children can attend TAMS.

An article to the Editor said that three towns paying for our school is better than one town paying for the school. This statement would be true if we were the Town of Kennebunk. Their high school needs massive renovations and then there are still the unknowns with MSK.

There are always going to be unknowns, but we think we are safer taking chances with our one school rather than taking a chance on six schools. Remember the looming High School renovations and issues at MSK (these are just two of the six schools).

~ NECAP Test Scores ~
There is a lot of hype on test scores since we merged with the RSU. The State of Maine is moving away from these tests and moving to a national exam. More information can be found on the Maine State Board of Education’s website.

In 2009, the state switched from MEA’s to NECAP’s, so these kids are also testing with different tests.

~ About ML Day School ~

Staff and Salary Increases
There is no question that today ML Day is a better school than it was a few years ago. That credit goes to Dr. Crowley and his amazing staff. The amazing staff that Dr. Crowley is always praising are primarily our teachers from before the RSU21. Many of these teachers have been teaching at ML Day for years, even decades.

Note: This District (RSU21) has some of the highest paid teachers in the State of Maine.
In order for our Arundel teachers to make what the other teachers did in the district, they had to have raises of $8,000- $12,000 each. This was an increase of $170,000 in just salaries alone.

Maintaining Quality Education
There is no question that Dr. Crowley and his team of very fine teachers have improved
the quality of education for our children. We had the great teachers but were lacking the leadership we have now.

To maintain our quality of education, we need to:

  1. Have STRONG leadership. 
  2. Maintain these salaries and insurances for our
    teachers- it would be unfair to take this away from them now.
  3. Stay in compliance with State mandated programs
  4. Work closely with our teachers and see what has worked
    and improve upon what hasn’t.

Programs that were cut
You always hear about what the RSU21 has brought to our schools, but you don’t hear what was taken away. They brought in Spanish but many other things were cut back. Some of them were:
Physical Education- obesity is horrible problem for our youth in this country
Music- we had a teacher that offered FREE lessons after school and was dedicated to her kids and her program
Computer Class

Note: Spanish is taught for one hour a week K-5. Perhaps we can pay this same teacher
for her time at ML Day and then Spanish can continue.

The Facility
Repairs done by the RSU included work to the exterior, water and heating system, interior finishes which included a new office and principal office, and landscaping. (See attachment)

The road entering into the school was repaved by the Town of Arundel, not the RSU21.

Including renovations and technology improvements-
the RSU has spent $227,602.

Remember we gave them over half a million dollars
when we joined the RSU.

VOTE YES! on APRIL 10th, 2012 8:00am - 8:00pm

MLD Facilities II


  1. Talk about misleading and straight out lying!
    A yes vote is the second step in withdrawing, so the vote is about withdrawing from RSU21.

    We went into consolidating with no debt and a poor performing school.Now we share some debt and have a top performing school with less of a budget increase than when we were on our own.

    We have a school board with Arundel members at RSU21..we have nothing at TAMS!!

    NO money was cut from other town budgets to pay for the school budget this was stated by Velma Hayes and if you have the audacity to lie about it I hope you have the courage to say this to her face...

    Taxes between the 3 towns are different because of the STATE formula, not RSU21! How many times does this need to be explained?

    Yes the numbers in the supporters handouts were off, but please be fair and explain the difference as it only hurts your cause more. The budget increase before consolidating is closer to 26% instead of 24% using Todd Shea's numbers and the increase after is closer to 4.2% instead of 3.6% Thank you for helping get out those actual numbers.

    If you don't like the HS renovations, get involved! After 2016 many more Arundel students will be able to attend MSK and continue on to KHS and will benefit greatly from a renovated building.

    If there's such a long waiting list at TAMS then there should be no fear of it closing, so there should be no reason to hold those families hostage that want to attend a school in our district and then they won't be so far behind when they enter 9th grade at KHS.

    I don't trust anyone who says that we can keep all the programs we have now plus some when it was NEVER possible before!

    Thank you for raising my blood pressure this morning my cardiologist will be thrilled...

  2. I am going to do this in a few posts because I can't get it all in as one:

    Wow, I cannot believe that Arundel Maine Cares, who claims to be unbiased and wanting to just get information out, would allow for such misleading information to be published… Lets look at this.

    Here is where you should VOTE NO and stop following a group of people who simply hate Kennebunk more than they love Arundel.

    We gave them our school and busses: WE CONSOLIDATED, under the law we had to do that. I would note however that our busses were NOT in mint condition...yes we did have one new bus. We consolidated folks. You have to stop playing in the sand box and saying “whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine”

    460K was given to the district, BECAUSE it was education money (carry over) They forget to mention that it was GIVEN back tot he town offsetting any tax increases.,..which is why you see a large drop in our budget in 2010-2011

    95 K was Federal Education allocated NOT give that to the education district is ILLEGAL….it had to be put toward education...It should have been to begin with.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      In regard to your post:

      Anonymous Mar 30, 2012 04:48 AM
      I am going to do this in a few posts because I can't get it all in as one:
      Wow, I cannot believe that Arundel Maine Cares, who claims to be unbiased and wanting to just get information out, would allow for such misleading information to be published…
      The information posted on this site deals with issues and news and opposing viewpoints surrounding our community then provides open access for comments and discussion unlike the local Facebook Groups.

      If you have information you would like to see posted please forward to as indicated in the header information of the site.

      Thank you for your active posting and comments.

  3. Arundel had Zero Debt…. Lets think about that. We had ZERO Debt because: We were so concerned with flat budgets that we: Weren’t offering state mandated programming, weren’t paying our teachers fairly, had arsenic in the wather, weren’t maintaining a building, had a boiler in need of repair, had sewage leaks headed toward the play ground and completely out of date resources for our kids. And best of all? We had to GIVE UP 6-8 to an OUTSIDE TOWN because we COULDN”T AFFORD IT….

    Lets get one more lie straight. TAMS is NOT brand new, it was a refurbished shop. It is not state of the Art. It is a nice small building, but lets not go over the top here. The offerings that may be state of the art are at TA...they were not made for TAMS...IT was not Brand new built for you….

    Here are some outright lies that they want you to believe:

    LIE #1: The numbers that the Unity group put out WERE VERIFIED by Todd….call him. He chose not to use them because he would have had to explain how they were derived to an extent beyond what he could explain in the Arrow. But if you look at the Arrow numbers the differences are about the same:

    Prior to RSU 2006-Spring 2009 26% INCREASE
    Post RSU 2010-2012 4.2% Increase….

    Where was your money well spent?

    LIE#2: 2009 was NOT an RSU budget. That was the last Arundel Budget that was simply merged with the SAD71 budget. Nothing was altered, we voted on it as a was the LAST MLDAY budget….ask your former Arundel Board members…

    LIE#3: The test changed due to a state mandate to save money.   Using the NECAP is cheaper than creating their own MEA.  The tests are virtually the same and they both measure the same thing.  How well our students have mastered the standards.   The MLD results have increased - The RSU results are basically the same as they have been for a number of year.  The change is due to the increased capacity of our teachers due to professional development, more effective alignment of curriculum within and between grade levels, and increased engagement on the part of our students.  These results are a true reflection of the abilities or our students.

    We are moving to the Common Core again due to state mandate.   This new computer based test (much like the format of the NWEA) will be based on the Common Core.   There is nothing inaccurate about the NECAP - simply another mandate from the state. 

    LIE#4: The town kept cutting its budget for the RSU. The board of selectmen corrected you all when you said it at the town meeting the other night. THEY SAID THAT WAS FALSE...yet you keep spreading it!

  4. STOP LISTENING TO THE LIES...this is all about one reason and one reason only…


    YOU will have the option to go to TAMS whether the contract is bought out or not.

    IF there is a waiting list and it is such a great school….DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT CLOSING

    VOTE NO...this is NOT about TAMS or TA, schools not even in our town.

    IT IS about saving MLDAY and preserving our towns Taxes.

    You keep saying “Lesson Learned” Well those lessons: Superb leadership, top programming, foreign language, continued Teacher Salaries and benefits...

    those cost money...Money we NEVER had before, and we don’t have now!


  5. I am amazed at some of our community members, they complain if information is not openly shared, then they complain more when it is!

  6. I wouldn't ever complain about factual, truthful information being shared. There is a difference.

  7. That is "THE PERFECT REASON" for a "YES Vote" on "APRIL 10th!" So we can all understand the "TRUTHFUL INFORMATION" and make an "EDUCATED decision" with "unbiased FACTS!" Once and for all, then move on with rebuilding our community!

  8. You have historical proof that consolidating has saved Arundel money and I heard at the last budget board meeting that things are not looking well for Arundel. So VOTE NO and save Arundel from spending unnecessary monies!!

  9. We should all want to see "unbiased FACTS!" "TRUTHFUL INFORMATION" from our BOS & "unbiased committee" prior to making any long term commitments with tax implications.

  10. I'm shocked this group can take the time to post thier info on this website but were not be able to make a presentation at the town meeting with a gym full of taxpayers ready to listen on Monday. Why is that? Didn't want your so called facts questioned? I'm thankful that the vote "NO" side showed up prepared and ready to make a presentation. At least someone was there to give us taxpayers info. We still haven't heard or been presented a plan how withdrawing is going to save us tax dollars. As far as local control how do you gain that tuitioning your children out 6-12? You have no say when you pay tuition? So K-5 takes the hit if needed the building years. Why are we worrying about TAMS again? Another twisted fact put out there. Even after the contract expires children are still allowed to attend TAMS thru the RSU. What it will allow is a CHOICE for children to go to MSK something this group doesn't want to see for pure selfish reasons!!! All this has done is reignited the fued and seperated a town further. You have made promises to people you will save them tax $$$. I'm all for that if its true, but again haven't been shown a plan of what happens after withdrawl. And right now it looks like us saving with withdrawing is about the same chances as winning the $640,000,000 lotto everyone is talking about. Let's get facts before we vote. Disappointed YES side hasn't provided anything but the same old agenda they have in the past undermine RSU21.

  11. O.K. Everyone dig out your tax bills for 2008 & 2009. 2008 we were pre-rsu, 2009 we were with the RSU.

    Here is a break down of percentages reflected in everyone's tax bill

    2008 2009
    school 67.5% 67.5
    town 28.89 27.08

    In the FY 2009, 2010, 2011, your tax bill should reflect the same total amount due, in all of these years money was taken out of the undesignated fund to offset education costs, the only year there was a decrease in eduation funding was FY 2010, but just the same this example proves that the municapal portion after consolidation was cut!

  12. AGAIN, please read slowly so you get it this 2009 because we merged AFTER the was an ARUNDEL budget....voted on at MLDay as a TOWN MEETING the way it had always been done...and merged with the sad71 budget. It shows as the RSU, but it was our OWN TOWN BUDGET...please be accurate...verify this at town hall because you are clearly confused.

  13. "We have NO CONTROL over how the money is spent in the school district, yet
    approximately 75% of our taxes are spent on schooling our children."

    We have NO CONTROL over how money is spent at TAMS. You cannot pull up a budget on their website, nor are there public meetings where you can sit and weigh in on the budget as it is being presented and voted on.

    The opposite is true about the rest of the district. We get to sit in on those meetings, have our say, and vote either for or against the budget. I'd say that's 100% more control than with the school where we're contractually obligated to send middle school children.

    Why don't you demand this much of TA or TAMS? Why is it that you're angry about the Kennebunk and Kennebunkport schools, when you have a say in how they operate, but you have no say at TAMS?

    Why are you okay with being spoon-fed a contract that locks in $1M a year in tuition costs? Do you realize that there are two towns that will no longer be assisting us with that payment if Arundel withdraws?

    We only have $2M in the undesignated fund, and Dana Peck has already stated that he'd vote to spend more than the $35K allotted to make sure he was satisfied with 'getting the right answers' with regard to withdrawal.

    That money cannot be used for repairs at MLD, and if it were to be used for paying tuition to TAMS, it would run out in two years. Then what?

    Don't you folks look at the long-term, bigger picture?

  14. Let’s say the study finds we are spending $200 more per student to stay. Are the additional educational opportunities worth it? What if it is $200 less?

    How much are you willing to pay for school choice? Certainly choice is one of the issues at the center of this debate. Many withdraw supporters have spoken about protecting TAMS, and a fear the school will close if the contract is not renewed. Are you willing to continue forcing ALL kids to TAMS, even if it costs more? What if the study shows keeping ALL kids in district is the most tax friendly option. Are you willing to give that up?

    It seems to me, before we jump into the withdraw phase, we should take the time to study our options with the input of all residents. We may just find what we have is a good fit for all. Maybe we won't. But if we don't, this issue will never get better in the town of Arundel.

  15. I agree with the anonymous 12:05 comment, April 2. Enough is enough, and let's find the solution that the majority of Arundel can agree on. The rift in the town has gone way beyond where it needs to be. The lack of leadership in this town has also helped to place the town where it is today. Kennebunk and Kennebunkport did a study, why can't Arundel? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  16. A YES vote is to proceed with the withdrawal process...NOT just for a VERY CLEAR On that because the yes crew is trying to say it ONLY IS TO GET THE STUDY isn' is a VOTE TO START THE WITHDRAWAL PROCESS.....

    This is QUOTED by TOdd Shae town manager at the MARCH 26th Meeting...If you haven't listened...please do it is on the town website.

    NO means keep our money in Arundel and stay the way it is.
