Thursday, March 15, 2012

Time to break up RSU

To the Editor:

A merger with all the good intentions of reducing costs has failed, a district that funds itself, not on the basis of our ability to pay, but one that assesses its expenses, on the percentage of students from each town. The school millage rate per thousand is $2.74 for Kennebunkport, $10.13 for Arundel, and $10.53 in Kennebunk. If you have a home assessed at $300,000 in Arundel you are paying school taxes of $3,039, that same home in Kennebunkport you would be paying $822.

The district is unable to function in a fiscally responsible manner, because of an agreement that seeks to keep open schools that are structurally unsound and no longer needed, but meet an outdated norm that we need neighborhood schools. A town like Kennebunkport would have you believe that Consolidated School is the thread that holds the community together, but when it comes to paying for the repairs estimated at $4 million-plus, we (Arundel and Kennebunk) would pay 70 percent of that cost.

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