Thursday, October 25, 2012

Final withdrawal meeting set

ARUNDEL — At its Oct. 22 meeting, the Board of Selectmen set one final public hearing regarding the proposed withdrawal from RSU 21 for 10 a.m. Nov. 3 in the Mildred L. Day gymnasium.
Town Manager Todd Shea said Oct. 22 that he hopes residents who have not attended the previous public hearings turn out for the meeting, which is both the first Saturday and daytime public hearing, just three days before the vote for withdrawal occurs.

"It went okay," Shea said of the most recent public hearing, which was held at the Dutch Elm Golf Course on Limerick Road on Oct. 17. "It was the same people who usually attend meetings. We're hoping for a broader outreach."


  1. Vote NO on the withdrawal and let's keep a good school system and save money doing it!!

  2. Vote yes to withdrawl and save 55 million dollars on a renovation we don't need to pay for. Leave our money in our town!!!

    1. Why are you posting a statement that is false. It is clearly a scare tactic. You are trying to make it sound like it will cost Arundel 55 Million to stay in the RSU, which is a false statement. The study has been done and the truth is out. It will cost less to stay! How can you discard its finding as false? and sleep at night?!

    2. Unfortunately for you, we know who you are and once this silly game is rejected by voters you're credibility will be tarnished forever.

      Your post is so factually incorrect it should be deleted IMO.

      The town was slow to get the info out there but I think more people are waking up to the reality of just how dumb a withdrawal would be.

    3. So did you crawl back under your rock not that the Town officially has stated your crowds mailing was factually incorrect?

      I see some people's credibility going round and round with a flush of the commode.

  3. According to every option on the Planning Decisions report reflects a savings to Arundel. 2 of the options are not even options.

    Let's talk about scare tactics. It was said in a post that during the budget cuts that Mrs. Grumbling would lose her job. She lost her job.

    1. There are 5 people I know specifically who are so blinded that they would actually post something to mislead voters. The only other one it could be that I don't know is "Ed" from Kennebunk. The one spotted putting out signs in Arundel....

      I have said before, they crossed the line and it's time to hold the initiators accountable. Start calling them out people as this kind if junk information is what they've sold to people and if they are typical apathetic voter who doesn't attend meetings they can get mislead.

      I hope the moderator just deletes that post as it gives someone a voice to lie.

  4. Now that the Arundel Economic Development Committee has stated that it would be fiscally irresponsible for citizens to move forward with a withdrawal, I hope that the anti-RSU folks slink back into the shadows, but only after acknowledging that they were wrong:

    Wrong to vote down a cost sharing agreement which would have saved us a significant amount of money last year.

    Wrong to vote down buying out five years of a contract for the price of one.

    Wrong to present the vote that started the withdrawal process as a 'study'.

    Wrong about their numbers.

    Wrong, period.

    I want a public apology to all Arundel voters from the group that pushed everyone to this point; were it not for their desperate attempt to keep an exclusionary contract in effect, this wouldn't be happening.

    I'm sorry you don't like the RSU. I'm confounded by the fact that you think it doesn't save our town money, despite being presented the facts from someone who is not part of your group *or* the RSU's. I'm sorry that you are afraid TAMS would close if we don't continue farming out our children to their school.

    I just wish you'd smarten up. Stop trying to mislead uneducated voters. Stop trying to push whatever agenda it is on everyone.

    The facts are out: Withdrawal from the RSU would *systematically disadvantage* Arundel.

    The group concerned about branding Arundel should be concerned about these folks, because they've given Arundel a terrible reputation, and they're the last 'welcoming wagon' I'd want to be introduced to when learning about this town. They certainly don't represent the entire town, but they definitely shout the loudest, just to get their way.

    Not this time. You will lose this battle. And then, I hope you all resign your positions, effective immediately. You are not leaders.

  5. Straight Talk about Arundel Real Estate Values
    As we draw closer to the Nov 6th vote there’s been a lot of heated discussion recently on whether Arundel should withdraw from its short relationship with Kennebunk and Kennebunkport in RSU 21. On the big issues - cost, quality of education, local control and school choice issues, the right answers are obvious. It makes good sense to vote “NO” and stay in RSU.

    But have you thought about how a vote for withdrawal from RSU 21 impacts your home or real estate?”

    If you vote to withdraw, the resale value of your home or other real estate in Arundel will increase less than in high-quality towns and may even decline!

    Real estate property values increase when people want to live in a good school district. Families with children are willing to pay more to live in a community where the schools have a high reputation. Even home buyers who plan on using private schools or those without school-age children benefit from communities with strong schools. As long as a community maintains high-quality public schools, their property values will be more likely to rise.
    “Of all the local neighborhood amenities that can influence a buyer's decision to purchase a home, good quality schools is one of the most influential.”
    National Association of Realtors

    “Prospective home buyers appear to value school quality as one of the most important factors in choosing where to live…
    Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

    A editorial in the Oct. 25th edition of the York County Coastal Star says it well: “From Ogunquit to Kennebunkport, the summer season showed growth in the real estate market. But unlike its neighboring towns, Arundel showed very little to no activity. John Downing, of Downing Real Estate in Kennebunk said, "Arundel is being sought after a little bit but there are problems right now with people putting their homes up for sale. Many Arundel residents who currently have their homes on the market are trying to get away because of the school. Downing said he has clients who have confided in him that their personal reason for leaving is dependent on the quality and availability of education.”

    When a community fails to value the education of its children, then school quality will decline. Great teachers and administrators don’t want to get stuck in a backwater and will go elsewhere. Good students will move with their families to other schools. ML Day test scores will drop back to where they were before consolidation. Arundel will develop a reputation as a second level town and our community will see new businesses and homebuyers choosing to live elsewhere. And what will be the result?
    The value of our homes and other real estate will decrease. What for most of us is our largest single financial asset will suffer. Even if you don’t plan on selling your property any time soon, at some time, your heirs probably will.
    So, if you care about the value of your home in Arundel, vote “NO”. Staying in RSU 21 makes good real estate sense!

    Citizens Concerned for Arundels Future

  6. Todd Shea has written a correction to the pink propaganda that was mailed out, and it will be discussed at Saturday's meeting, which will be video taped and shared on Arundel's website - the correction can be downloaded here:

  7. Here's the video from Saturday's meeting:

    I strongly urge people to listen Jack Reetz's comments at about 1:12:00 or so into the video.

    Listening to Diane Robbins and Melanie Mitchell's comments made my skin crawl with the lack of intelligence and long-term thinking within their comments. And these are some of the most ardent withdrawal proponents. Frightening. Even with overwhelming data showing withdrawal to be a stupid decision they still continue with flawed logic. It's scary.

    And, the anonymous document for the withdrawal folks has been soundly dubunked as being factually incorrect. Not only is it reckless but I think there should be legal ramifications.

  8. Either leave all posts up or post nothing!!!

    Why are you deleting posts that speak absolute truth?

  9. The bitterness and vitriol is embarrassing - both sides. Be behavioral models for your children!

    1. Tell that to the people who are taking down pro-RSU signs. The level of immaturity and ignorance on the part of the anti-RSU crowd is astounding. Not only do they fail at math and continue to send out lies that have been refuted by the town, but they are taking signs down because they know they're going to lose the battle.

      I can't wait for this to be over. The next step is to get those who pushed for this off of the school board, and then to let that contract go the way of the dinosaur.

  10. I wrote that post and there is NO reason it should have been removed. I'd state the very same thing in any public venue. Why do people have a blog and then censor free exhange? I called out two people and the absolutely should be held accountable.

    The people who should be embarrased is the withdrawal drones by repeating incorrect information. The lower the education level, the nmore likely they person is to want to withdraw. Not being mean, but there is absolutely demographics at play.

    The withdrawal crowd has such a weak argument they only thing they have left is to flat out lie.

    Jack Reetz did a great job summarizing what it's all about. See at 1 hr and 9 minutes into the meeting:
