Monday, May 14, 2012

VOTE in Tuesday's Education Budget Validation Referendum

This is a quick reminder encouraging all citizens to vote in Tuesday's Budget Validation Referendum.  Polls will be open in each community from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Please access  ( for explanation of the proposed budget for next year, and head to the polls to cast your vote.

Budget Information - FY 2013

  1. Superintendent's Overview of FY13 Budget updated with Board Approval, 4/3/12
  2. Cost Center Summary - Proposed FY13 Budget
  3. Warrant Article Summary - Proposed FY13 Budget
  4. Line Item Detail - Proposed FY13 Budget
  5. RSU 21 School Board of Director's Recommended FY13 Budget
  6. 2012 Annual Report
  7. FY13 Warrant Articles


  1. Educate yourself about the budget. A recent find is that the employee insurance went up 4% and the budgeted increase is 7%. A perfect reason to vote NO!

  2. Only a 4% insurance increase...I wish mine ONLY went up 4%. I guess all of RSU21 should be counting their blessings since the increase is so minimal!

  3. Not surprisingly, Arundel voted no on the budget, even though the increase was .69%
    The support for the budget in Kennebunk and Kennebunkport was pretty overwhelming, though.

    What a shameful turnout for Arundel. Do we only show up to vote when it's for things like withdrawal?

  4. Just shows that the majority of Arundel doesn't care about quality education and enjoy higher taxes.

    1. No worries, if the withdrawal goes through, they'll get what they enjoy, and then some.

      It peeves me to no end that there are more than a few hundred people living in Arundel, yet the vast majority of them pay no attention to what's going on, don't take the time to vote, and then either complain, or do nothing about it when their situation isn't what they want it to be.

      What will it take to get people to Selectmen's and town hall meetings? What will it take to get *everyone* of voting age to show up and vote? Has anyone bothered asking those questions?

      I am not satisfied with knowing that a few hundred people determine the futures of thousands.
