Saturday, April 7, 2012


Compare the documents which have been posted in the public domain and see the disparity in the numbers, then ask yourself the following:

  1. What are the REAL NUMBERS? 
  2. What are the REAL FACTS?

APRIL 10, 2012 8:00am - 8:00pm
"Your Vote Counts, make a difference in our community."

RSU 21 & ARUNDEL 2009 PDF Archive Document:

Education by The Numbers: The March Arundel Arrow by Todd Shea: Arudel Town Manager

RSU 21 "DRAFT DOCUMENT" Cost/Benefit Analysis on the Withdrawal of Arundel Posted and Shared Publicly by Christa Mackenzie & Bob Stewart RSU 21 Supporters posted on the site[unofficial school board site as identified in the disclaimer on the site]:

RSU 21 "FINAL DOCUMENT" Cost/Benefit Analysis on the Withdrawal of Arundel Posted by and Shared Publicly by Andrew Dolloff, Superintendent – RSU 21


  1. The 2009 archive document document doesn't match any of the numbers from 2011 to 2012...what are the real figures? They seem to be getting better and better every day.


    A YES VOTE is to proceed with the next step in withdrawal, this is correct. The NEST STEP, which is the creation of a "NON BIAS COMMITTEE" to investigate the "ACTUAL NUMBERS" that it cost us to educate our children at our current standards and the value it provides our community. This is something we are all interested in as it pertains to the FUTURE of OUR TOWN as a COMMUNITY, the FUTURE of OUR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION and the FUTURE of OUR POTENTIAL LONG TERM DEBT & TAXES.

    A YES VOTE on APRIL 10th is for a VOTE for NON BIAS INFORMATION so we can all be part of the decision and direction of our community as a WHOLE! This data will provide ALL the CITIZENS of ARUNDEL the ability to make a WELL INFORMED EDUCATED DECISION!

    LET the FACTS dictate if we actually withdraw from the RSU...not politics. A $35,000 investment not will provide a great ROI on the rebuilding of our community as a whole.

    Remember this is not the final VOTE...we all get one final say once we know "ALL THE FACTS!"

  3. Anyone know why the group hosting the new website will not answer questions? Are we just Suposed to keep making assumptions. The new site has a page claiming to be for us where they will post questions and answers.
    On Wednesday, I asked if they planned to continue trying to block.choice by renewing the contract with TA, even though there is no need?

    I also asked them to comment about a rumor they want to close mlday and contract with TA for those grades too.

    I also asked them to explain how much the over eps is since everything else is state mandated?

    The first two points are very concerning to many people in town. The third one was asked because their figures are plain wrong. They state seven million over eps but don't state what thay means to arundel. The over eps is closer to five.five million. Arundel pays less than 800,000.

    If this group wants the truth, they should stop publishing information unfilled they have it.

  4. I guess the smart phone is not so smart. Sorry for the spelling errors. Lol.

  5. Good Morning All,

    Please remember to stay on topic for the specific post...maybe one of the facebook groups can answer your questions?

    Please remember the following Guidelines for posting comments:

    1. Keep it civil, stay on topic .
    2. No vulgarity, racial slurs, name-calling or personal attacks.
    3. People who harass others or joke about tragedies will be blocked.
    4. Treat others with the same respect you'd want for yourself.

    Please send ideas and comments for topics you would like to see posted on this site to

  6. The figures speak for themselves! The truth lies with in the independent consulting firm. I don't know these numbers do not match, and don't know why prior years from the RSU do not match RSU figures, but I do know one thing, VOTE YES because we are all being decieved.

    @ Matt: I don't want to block choice. I want school choice, and am a firm believer in choice. I am also a firm believer in truth! Too many questions to answer, that is why by voting YES this time around we can do what is best for our town, because otherwise the rift will continue.

  7. The discrepancy in the numbers have been explained ad nauseum. I know the majority of both sides were at the selectmens meeting where it was explained so the only reason why people keep spreading lies about the discrepancy is to scare voters who are not closely following the situation and to make our town representatives look bad. Its such a shame seeing such bad behavior.

  8. Dear Anonymous Apr 8, 2012 05:39 AM,

    Maybe you can help us all understand the numbers since the discrepancy in the numbers have been explained ad nauseum [as you put it]. This may be beneficial to the residents of Arundel whom are not sure why they do not match prior to Tuesday's vote.

    I was not fortunate enough to be in attendance at the meeting along with a few thousand+/- other residents...hopefully you can share your knowledge and help educate us all prior to the vote.

    The way it stands right now I am VOTING YES as the way I read the documents, the numbers do not make sense and it looks like [you are right] someone is not accurate in their facts.

    Hopefully you can take the time and educate us all whom are not following the topic as closely as you seem to be!

  9. The numbers that the state website provides do not include special education costs or transportation costs.

    The numbers from the RSU site and Todd Shea's numbers are different because of the stimulus fund Arundel received prior to consolidation that wasn't taken into account. Todd Shea did confirm those numbers as accurate afterward as he stated at one of the Selectmen's meetings. There were members from both side present to hear this explanation and yet the withdrawal side still is reporting that the numbers don't add up. So either their group is not sharing this information with other members of their group or they are hoping that lying about it will earn them some more yes votes.

  10. What about the buyout numbers and the numbers of today? How can 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 percentage increases be different? Not a lie!

    Skewing is what I see...

  11. I just got confirmation that the numbers that Todd Shea has reflected have been verified from RSU 21 to be correct. The numbers in the 2011 buy-out are not correct, which leads me to believe those numbers are all not correct. Vote Yes to get the right numbers.

  12. Posting again, Arundel's local contribution is Arundel's local contribution that we see in our tax bills every single year. It is nothing more and nothing less of anything but just that. If RSU 21 is stating Arundel's local contribution. No stimuls funds are included in that number because the stimulus monies were 465,576 if you add that to any of the figures in the buy-out piece they don't match. So, once again, the vote no supporters are wrong again.

    Here is the breakdown:
    100,000 used in 08-09
    leaves 365,576 Reserves Federal Stimulus, Arundel was ordered to pay.

    182.788 due Jan 1, 2010

    I say Vote Yes so we can get the total costs of education and see if we are saving or spending more. Vote yes to get what the real numbers are, and vote yes so that in the near future ML Day does not get closed. If the vote yes side is wrong, then it was 35,000 well spent, if the vote no side is right, still 35,000 well spent. At least we all can know clearly what direction the town should go in after. If we don't get the vote, then our community will still be divided. Vote YES!

  13. Education is more than just about numbers.

  14. $35,000 is just the beginning. Those who were present heard Dana Peck state that if he felt that he didn't have 'all the right answers' (whatever that means) he'd vote to spend MORE. He couldn't put a cap on the number he'd be willing to spend, so watch out, folks.

    It's really a shame that there's a bloodlust to remove this town from the RSU. Wait until you get your tax bills. The only people to blame at that point will be yourselves. You already ran around telling everyone the cost-sharing formula wasn't worth it, that buying out the contract would raise our taxes.

    The vote was NO on both counts, and what happened? Taxes went UP.

    Vote NO - the YES side doesn't want to acknowledge the mathematical benefit of being in the RSU, as is evidenced by our most recent tax bills. Do you want them to go up again? I vote NO.

  15. Education is more about the numbers. But it is also about what people can afford and what they can not. It is about local control, and honesty with the finances of RSU 21.

    I will vote yes, regardless of what Dana Peck says, as I do everything else he says like a grain of salt.

    There is no mathmatical benefit, and I see long term savings in our future after withdrawal. Vote YES!

  16. There will only be long term savings if you close MLD. We can not sustain education on our own. This has already been historically proven.
    I will vote NO to save our elementary school.

  17. I am not so sure how you know that poster at 8:51 AM, I would think there would only be savings if we stayed in district and closed ML Day. But that is not an option. I am voting yes to make my community whole again, and to save ML Day.

  18. I don't know how the person at 2:11 thinks the tax payers of this community will support our school...they never have before.... the only way to make this community whole again, is for the Yes crew to stop blocking choice. This is ONLY about TAMS and it would be nice if they would be honest about that...because at least then we could have a conversation. This is only about them wanting to resign a contract for another 10- 20 -30 who knows how long.

    You want peace in our community? Then let choice come naturally at the end of the contract, let MLD continue to flourish and stop discrediting every town leader that disagrees with you.

    VOTE NO for TRULY sustainable Education , and for Peace in our Town...and a better school system.
