Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Local Website for Arundel Residents

~ Welcome to Caring About Arundel ~
Last Updated 4/4/12
 Our Goal~
This website was created by a group of concerned, involved Arundel residents committed to finding the best possible solution to educating our school children and making our town whole again.


  1. If they were truly concerned about the education of Arundel children and our town's future, they wouldn't be pushing for a 'yes' vote. There would be factual information that does not support one side or the other, and the pros and cons would be shared without any bias or opinion painted upon either side.

    This is akin to political activity - I wonder if this oversteps any boundaries?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Good Morning All,

    3 Comments have been deleted and or removed this morning based on the content of the comments.

    Please remember the following Guidelines for posting comments:

    1. Keep it civil, stay on topic .
    2. No vulgarity, racial slurs, name-calling or personal attacks.
    3. People who harass others or joke about tragedies will be blocked. [deleted or removed]
    4. Treat others with the same respect you'd want for yourself.

    If you have factual data and or comments directed to a specific person feel free to post along with the supporting data to support your position.

    Please send ideas and comments for topics you would like to see posted on this site to

  4. Thank you for putting out the reminder. I was lucky enough to come here and take a look, it is always sad when I see such angry posts.

    The website has a lot of information on it. Great to have all in one place with out an opinion involved, but wanting to great real answers. The consulting firm to be hired will help find out what the real answers are, and the best direction for the town to go in.

  5. Does anyone know how long it will take for questions to be posted when sent in?

  6. It is not without an VERY MUCH skews everything the way the creator of the blog wants it to look based on her opinion....

    This is just another political hack job. If you want real information you should be going to the TOWN HALL where they have it!

  7. A YES vote is to proceed with the withdrawal process...NOT just for a VERY CLEAR On that because the yes crew is trying to say it ONLY IS TO GET THE STUDY isn' is a VOTE TO START THE WITHDRAWAL PROCESS.....

    This is QUOTED by TOdd Shae town manager at the MARCH 26th Meeting...If you haven't listened...please do it is on the town website.

    NO means keep our money in Arundel and stay the way it is.

  8. A YES VOTE is to proceed with the next step in withdrawal, this is correct. The NEST STEP, which is the creation of a "NON BIAS COMMITTEE" to investigate the "ACTUAL NUMBERS" that it cost us to educate our children at our current standards and the value it provides our community. This is something we are all interested in as it pertains to the FUTURE of OUR TOWN as a COMMUNITY, the FUTURE of OUR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION and the FUTURE of OUR POTENTIAL LONG TERM DEBT & TAXES.

    A YES VOTE on APRIL 10th is for a VOTE for NON BIAS INFORMATION so we can all be part of the decision and direction of our community as a WHOLE! This data will provide ALL the CITIZENS of ARUNDEL the ability to make a WELL INFORMED EDUCATED DECISION!

    LET the FACTS dictate if we actually withdraw from the RSU...not politics. A $35,000 investment not will provide a great ROI on the rebuilding of our community as a whole.

    Remember this is not the final VOTE...we all get one final say once we know "ALL THE FACTS!"

  9. Vote 'NO' and stop the spending. Otherwise, take a good look at your tax bill, and expect it to be MUCH higher next year, and every year after that.

  10. Vote Yes to find out what the truth really is.
