Tuesday, April 10, 2012


April 10, 2012 @ 9:19pm
a majority was required. (50% +1) 

808 Total Votes | 517 Yes Votes: 64% | 291 No Votes: 36%
For official voting results please visit the town's website tomorrow @ www.arundelmaine.org


  1. 'Thanks', yes folks. Will there be a central address to send our tax bills? Those who didn't get out and vote are going to wonder why they've skyrocketed. I hope that you're more forthcoming with your positions when they question their bills than you were through this first process.

  2. Let the process begin, Looking forward to seeing THE REAL NUMBERS & LEARNING THE REAL FACTS on what we as a COMMUNITY are CAPABLE of DOING and NOT DOING and HOW it EFFECTS our Current and Future TAXES and Education System so we can ALL make an INFORMED EDUCATED DECISION on the next VOTE and FINALLY start the healing process of OUR TOWN!

    Looking forward to seeing a plan and the cost to:

    1. Maintaining or Exceed The NEW High Level Leadership @ ML Day. [DR. C] Figure a way to keep him in Arundel!

    2. Maintaining the Current Rate of Pay for Performance and Benefits for our Exceptional Teaching Staff @ ML Day

    3. Implementing Building Renovations which are Required and Incorporating[Hiring] Local Business to Complete the Work if Available.

    4. Looking forward to seeing a State of the Art EDUCATION PROGRAM we can ALL be PROUD of and AFFORD for Years to Come!

    5. Continue with a Safe Transportation System for Our Children and a Healthy Life Style with Proper Nutrition and Exercise Program during the School Day.

    6. Insure Our Community School[ML Day] Remains OPEN for years to come!!!

    7. Continue High School Choice for ALL!

    8. and many more...

  3. Good luck with that. $3.7M for school repairs is enough of a tax hike on all of us to vote down a withdrawal. You LOVE your tax hikes around here, eh?

  4. Dear Anonymous Apr 11, 2012 04:08 AM,

    If you are going to share, WHY NOT share all the data...

    The RSU Facilities Committee has "recommended" significant upgrades to Mildred L. Day School, at an early-estimated cost of $3.7M. A similar proposal to refurbish Kennebunkport Consolidated School has been estimated at $4.2M, while a complete renovation of Kennebunk High School is projected to cost $46.3M.

    The FACTS and REAL NUMBERS will help us all make an EDUCATED DECISION, soon find out should we stay or should we go!

    1. NONE of those are real numbers...they are things being TALKED about...but you all grabbed onto them as though they have been voted on and they are breaking ground next week. It is the same thing you all have always done....spread HALF the truth to scare everyone. Enjoy your school and your taxes, when we are out of this thing both are going to go to hell.



  6. Anonymous 5:14AM, the 'REAL' numbers have been shared with everyone; are you implying that the School Board did not do due diligence in providing them? If so, take that up with our School Board members, who did not dispute the numbers at the Selectmen's meeting, nor did Todd Shea.

    $3.7M is what was discussed as necessary code-conforming repairs to MLD. It could very well cost more than that, but this is the number that has been floating around for at least a year now.

    The facts are that the 'yes' folks are so bent on dragging us backwards that they've sold us down the river for $35,000+. And for what? TA? TAMS? Really?!

    Good Lord, you are all some confused folks. If you think you're going to get the 'REAL NUMBERS' from a consultant we're PAYING to tell you what you want to hear, I've got a bridge in Arizona I'd love to sell you.

    Next year, when your tax bill goes up, please do not stand up at future meetings and question why. You have only yourselves to thank for this.

  7. Maybe we could get back some of the money paid to a certain board member who put up the new backboards after someone had offered to do it for free??? Oh yeah, sorry. That was not supposed to get out to the public taxpayer either.

  8. We should get all the money we can, because we are going to need it. 808 people show up to vote on a school issue. An issue everyone claimed was for their view of what's best for education in Arundel.

    MLDay's DI Duckies have a table set up to raise money for a trip to the United States Finals in TN. The Duckies are a group of students from our little MLDay school. They are raising money since the trip will cost more than $14,000.

    They raised a whopping $160 for their trip.

    That is less than 20 cents per voter. I guess the voters have spoken. Message recieved.

  9. Didn't see a bucket at town hall during my absentee vote. I am a yes voter but would defiantly have given. Was at Arundel market, saw Arundel historical society stuff but no DI. Again I had money and would have given. Easy to judge character Matt. Maybe hit up one of the new Surburban drivers in town. My vehicle is 10 years old. Is Yours?

  10. Please Donate or Vonunteer Your Time as You see FitWednesday, April 11, 2012 at 4:28:00 PM EDT

    Maybe the DI Duckies need to replace one of their managers to get support from the Arundel community as a whole!

    Some may say it is all in the marketing and how the message is presented or some may think $14,000 for seven kids is a lot of money in these economic times.

    Please remember there are also other competing local entities looking for Charity to meet their local needs of OUR COMMUNITY:

    Arundel Historical Society | www.arundelhistoricalsociety.org/
    Arundel Little League | www.arundellittleleague.com/

    1. I wish that you would apologize for that and stop making everyone look like monsters on the Yes side. You ought to be embarrassed...not only by your behavior, but also the fact that you can't even spell Volunteer....perhaps you could have benefitted from MLDay as it is now...

  11. Glad to know you are willing to give. I am sure you can stop in at MLD and talk to Dr. C. The kids could certainly use the money.

    So for arguments sake, lets say half of the voters went absentee, where I assume there was no DI bucket. So $160/404= .40 cents per voter.

    By the way. I did not judge anyone in my statment above. I simply stated that I have recieved the message.

  12. One could also view the data as all the 217 NO VOTES [people whom support RSU21] each dug deep and placed $0.74 in the DI Donation.

    1. That would be 291 thank you. and frankly aren't you the one all worried about accurate numbers???

  13. Or one could view the data as the community does not support education as a whole.

    Great to know the please donate person feels people will penalize a kid because they don't agree with a parent.

    1. ABSOLUTELY, and I believe that most of the YES people would agree with you there....I am embarrassed that person said that. I am sorry.

  14. Please Donate or Vonunteer Your Time as You see FitApr 11, 2012 01:28 PM:

    Shame on you. Shame on you for saying an accomplishment of our very own MLDay students as NOT representing their community. THESE YOUNG CHILDREN ARE IN YOUR COMMUNITY. DI has been something that Arundel students have done for YEARS, under the direction of our teachers and willing parents to help out. How dare you?

    I cannot believe that anyone would be that ridiculous harsh and rude as to deny that children who have worked so hard all year to accomplish something that Mildred L Day hasn't accomplished in 11 years...

    I certainly hope that the rest of your yes crew is not the way you are, and I know for a fact that the majority aren't. I hope that you don't continue to sully their name with that behavior. While I don't agree with the YES crew, I would never deny ANY of their children something they had worked for. That is called being a good person and caring more about kids and our future than our own personal axes to grind.

    I am ashamed that I share a community with you. And I hope that your fellow YES friends feel the same, because I have faith that they are more sensible than you are.

    And by the way....One coach is a YES and one is a NO, and they get along fine, and have managed to build a great team...what an example to all of us of how to act. You should take notes!

    1. Case in point. I gave money to a family at the dump a few weeks back, even though I do not agree with the actions of dad. I hope she raised enough for camp.

      I attended a spaghetti dinner for TAMS students last year and dropped an extra fifty bucks on raffle tickets even though I do not agree with forcing kids to a school I do not feel comfortable sending my child.

      All kids need support, and their are some very radical people willing to hurt anyone for thief own gain. It is very sad, and is what is causing the divide in town.

  15. I honestly feel that we are making the division in our town deeper. In the last week there have been signs taken or stolen. Some run down with vehicles. Verbal confrontations that were very ugly. Threats to older citizens by so called "responsible" adults. Our town clerk reminded everyone that we need to set an example for our kids back on the 26th. I just hope that there were no kids in the vehicles of those who lashed out and acted foolishly. The apple will not fall far from the tree folks. Heal our town? We have a long ,long road ahead whichever way the committee and study reveals.

    1. I agree there are people on BOTH sides of this argument who are acting worse than any bully in a middle school. People we all need to agree to disagree, work toward a solution that ALL can feel good about and stop the division...I am speaking TO BOTH SIDES...it is crazy and is really starting to effect our kids...

      at somepoint we all have to grow up and compromise...its what the world is all about....

    2. Since we are going to have an independent study, maybe it is time to get rid of the blogs and the websites that are posting inaccurate information.

      That will help heal the town. Imagine no more hiding behind these sites, with no names. Let the independent group post to the municipal website so all have the same information.

    3. Here Here! I think that the town and only the town should be putting out the information that this unbiased firm comes up with...otherwise it is going to be more of the same....one side doesn't like them, and they discredit them. This is it. We are either going to destroy our education or maintain it, and I think its important that ONLY the accurate information gets out to everyone.

  16. Wow, I see a lot of anger in these posts. Just a reminder that your children radiate what you give out. Simmone was right when she spoke out. What ever happened to agreeing that we all do not agree and move on?

    Thanks for the bog spot, and giving us a place to exercise our rights as citizens.....freedom of speech. As I do not like some of the angry comments on this page, it is also my choice to come here and view them for myself.

    This RSU stuff is going to get ugly, and I would hope that the threats of personal safety will stop immediately. Everyone has a right to their opinion and to express it, but we don't have the right to threaten harm, destroy property, or break the law. If see anyone participating in any of these activities I will call the police.
