Monday, April 2, 2012

Obama: Education, innovation are key

Supporters gather at SMCC for President’s campaign speech

Staff Writer
Saturday, March 31, 2012 6:00 AM EDT
SOUTH PORTLAND — Throngs of New Englanders descended upon the Southern Maine Community College campus in South Portland on Friday to witness a campaign stump speech by President Barack Obama.

Touting what he believed were the highlights of his administration’s accomplishments, Obama’s speech covered a wide array of topics, ranging from the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy to the merits of the controversial health care law, which has been making headlines this week as the Supreme Court considers its constitutionality.

But with a large part of the crowd comprised of college students – those who attend SMCC were admitted to the Hutchinson Union Building Athletic Center at a discounted price – Obama took time to address tuition costs and job creation, citing out-of-control interest rates on student loans as being prohibitive to the increasing need for post-secondary education.

“Higher education in this country can’t be a luxury,” said Obama. “It is an economic imperative.”


1 comment:

  1. I heard that he was positive and encouraging. Didn't focus on the problems and the fighting parties, but rather on the future of the country, and the importance of focusing on that, and the long term consequences of each action we take.

    I heard that he was also very charismatic. Maybe he should come here! Just kidding, but in all seriousness...what is facing our country is scary, and we all have to start being about to get out of our own situations and start facing the future or we are leaving a very grim one for our children.
