Monday, April 30, 2012

"AlertNow Message from RSU 21" Reminder - District Budget Vote Meeting, Tuesday May 1st!

May 1, RSU 21 will be holding its Annual District Budget Meeting in the Kennebunk High School Gym at 7:00 p.m.

This meeting provides each of you the opportunity to vote on the proposed school budget for next year.  The budget approved at this meeting will then be voted on at the polls on May 15.  Your vote at both of these times will be important to our schools and community.

Child care will be provided in the KHS cafeteria, and we encourage folks to arrive early (6:30 p.m.) in order to register for this public meeting. 


  1. Of course you don't know how to do anything else.

  2. I for one would like a detailed explanation of WHY you are voting no.

    Are you voting no because there are specific things in the budget that you think should be cut?

    Or are you voting no with out having even seen the budget but simply because you are biased and hateful about a town because you have been fed a bunch of crap by a load of people who are not READING, not PAYING ATTENTION, and are simply VOTING BLINDLY on town lines, versus what is best for the kids of our town, the taxes of our town, and the future of this town?

    I am just curious, because I highly doubt that you even KNOW what is IN that budget to vote it down.... just about brain washing.

    1. Assumptions about others are just assumptions. Hard to believe grown adults are using this tactic.

    2. Voting NO because I do know what is in the budget, not because someone told me to. 12 positions being cut, only one in administration and that was added last year. KHS has 3 principals, really, lets cut art and math and save that 3rd principal position. May 1 seems to have anger management issues. Talk about brainwashing.
