Friday, April 6, 2012

Is benefit of staying worth cost-sharing?

To the editor:

The recent letter by Dorothy Gregoire is an example of how some people are using inaccurate numbers to force their personal and emotional views on the people of Arundel.

She states that our taxes, for education, have gone up $177 over four years but what she fails to tell the reader is that it is $177 per $100,000 of property evaluation and at an alarmingly unfair rate compared to the other two towns in the district. Gregoire, should we not care, that we are being taxed more for the same educational services than the other two towns in our same district?


  1. Paul,

    1.Dr. Crowley has certainly been a great asset to MLDay.
    2. Unless Dr. Crowley paid for all the teacher development, curriculum enhancements, and forced the rest of the state to perform at the same level they had been on the new test, you are again twisting information.
    3. The cost sharing formula you are talking about only affects approximately 15% of the total budget, the other 85% is directed by the state of maine.($799,000 over EPS vs $3,300,000 directed by the state for arudnel only.)
    4. Our portion of the over EPS is less than $800,000 of the $5,416,593 for the entire district.
    5. Certainly the cost sharing formula needs to be adjusted for the building renovations, as we just can not support the tax increase that will be coming for that. Will you vote in favor of the plan to reduce the burden in Arundel this time?
    6. The yes group campained against the cost sharing formula last year, even though it would have helped Arundel the MOST.

  2. Boy...

    I am voting yes to make our town whole again once and for all!

  3. If you think voting YES is going to make our town whole again, wait until you start hearing from everyone whose tax bills have skyrocketed because you think we shouldn't be part of RSU 21. You think *this* divide is bad? It will only increase once everyone realizes they've been had by a group of individuals bent on getting out of a school district primarily because they don't like the Kennebunks.

    What a slap in the face to Dr. Crowley to have to sit and listen to the comments that came from some people on the 26th. That man has worked tirelessly to bring MLD up to speed with the rest of the STATE, not even just the district.

    Doesn't the impact of that statement mean anything? MLD wasn't even competitive enough to meet state standards. Now, it's at the top of the ranks.

    Are you willing to throw that away over sour grapes?

    My vote is NO.

  4. Nope! Not worth it. Dr. Crowley under contractual obligations will stay, and if "he decides" to go, that is of his own choice.

    Last years "fix" to cost sharing didn't fix anything. I don't agree paying for a school that 6% of Arundel students attend, nor do I support fixing or renovating any other school that Arundel would not directly benefit from.
