Tuesday, June 5, 2012


MAY 30, 2012 

Present: Tom Danylik, Jon Renell, Diane Robbins, Jack Turcotte, Art Leblanc, Maureen King, Matt Fadiman, Brad Huot, Andrew Dolloff

I. Andrew reviewed requested data.

II. Jack Trucotte – The Arundel Committee has met four times to review the draft, have hired Planning Decisions and an attorney who has been away and has not yet been able to respond. They would like to hit the high points on potential disagreement.

Item #1 and #2 No concerns at this time.

#3 Right to Continue Enrollment: not interested in school choice beyond 2013-2014 (except for high school choice).

#4 Continuity of Educational Program: Not willing to commit to anything beyond 2013-2014, but interested in itinerant teacher and special education collaboration.

#5 Tuition: Would not allow for students to “elect” to enroll, but need to clarify high school tuition.

#6 Special Education: Just needed information that was received today. May want to collaborate for one year.

#7 Transportation: No choice for students to attend RSU 21 schools beyond 2013-2014 (SPED remains a point to discuss.)

#8 Construction: Want to be sure to include a statement that needs existed prior to the formation of the RSU.

#9 Financial Commitments: Arundel would like to absolve themselves of any debt responsibility, after 2012-13.

#10 Andrew Dolloff will check into the language – but agreement on the concept.

#11 Superintendent Contract: May want to include language indicating the superintendent will cooperate with Arundel after withdrawal.

#12 Fund Balance: Would like to know the amount put into capital reserve, and have it handled the same way as Andrew Dolloff proposed for fund balance.

#13 Collective Bargaining: Fine

#14 Continuing Contract Rights: Prefer language to be first sentence only (How would we determine if a RIF was because of withdrawal?)

#15 Disposition of Real and Personal Property: Would like a sentence regarding furnishings remaining at MLD, with identified exceptions.

#16 Transition of Administration: No student choice

#17 Superintendents’ Agreements: Strange wording…..Protected by Statute

#18 Dispute Resolution: Would expect 50/50 split on costs.

#19 Applicability to Successor Units: Check status of bill allowing for a simple majority vote to approve the plan.

#20 Termination: End of 2013-2014. Concerned with Choice implied in #3.

#21 Approval – Need legal review.

Diane Robbins : Reiterated a desire to share special education and itinerant temps, but does not want to provide an avenue for school choice.

Maureen King : Can we reopen capital reserve funds to Arundel without voter approval?

Next Meetings: June 5 - 7:00 p.m.
June 11 – 5:00 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a shamozzle.. No choice. No choice. No choice.

    If anyone thinks that the 'No' people of last year aren't on a hellbent agenda to get out so that they do not have to provide school choice outside of high school, they can go ahead and put their head back in the sand.

    This is what people have been talking about for the past couple of years, and here it is in writing:

    Diane Robbins : Reiterated a desire to share special education and itinerant temps, but does not want to provide an avenue for school choice.

    I remember stating when she was first elected to the board that I hoped she worked for ALL Arundel citizens and school children. It is quite plain to see she does not.

    Can't wait for her term to end. What a waste of a vote, Arundel.
