Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tuesday MAY 24, 2011



Tuesday May 24, 2011 From 8:00am - 8:00pm or by absentee ballot


  1. VOTE NO! Send a message to our School Board regarding their decision making process with OUR SURPLUS TAX DOLLARS and decision to not FIX OUR SICK SCHOOL over the past years!

    I guess our students and staff @ MSK are not worth 1.1 million dollars!

  2. What looked like a promising site to share information in Arundel is realy just a blog run by a TAMS Supporter. To bad the person creating this needs to hide behind the blog, nor do they have the big picture of Arundel in mind.

  3. Dear Anonymous! I appreciate your comment @ 3:06pm, it will continue to be a blog site used for information regarding Arundel and my view on our "Life in a Small Town"

    I believe this site has met it's goal of providing a forum opportunity for open exchange of information and viewpoints, unlike any of the sites created and in use now on facebook without the threat or action of being removed from the site for having a different viewpoint.

    Anyone can post comments, @ Anytime regarding their view point and position on any and all topics. Or send topics of interest for consideration to

    Thanks again for your feedback and interest in the development of this site.

  4. Well in that case, VOTE YES to have long term savings on your taxes. If we use that 1.2 million for programming, that is wrong because that won't be here next year and then we face deep cuts again...(that would be an example of RSU 21 living within their means)

    If they used that money for "tax relief" it amounts to about $20 per household give or take...and mind you, that is a one year payout. Next year that won't be there, so watch out.

    It seems disingenuous to imply that our taxes have gone up from RSU21. From what I understand and the records I have seen, they have gone up due to and increase in Arundel'sValuations, and in the minimum Mil Rate set by the perhaps all the anger should be directed at Mr LePage....I am sure he has an email and I think a lot more of us should use it.

    It seems to me that buying out the contract provides long term savings.

    I think that to say that its a gamble with our tax dollars because all Arundel kids will still go to TAMS in one breath, and then say that your trying to save your school from closing because too many kids will go to MSK in the next breath, is illogical.

    I am glad you are providing an open forum for both sides, as that seems to not the case everywhere. Thanks for posting.

  5. This site, also gives the ability for those to post with out fear of consequence, ie: loss of job, hate mail, or mistreatment of students by other students in ML Day. Thank you for providing that!

    It is a gamble, and if you have not taken a look at our town report books since consolidation you would realize that we have had nothing but tax increases since consolidation. With the current renovations upcoming that are not included in this ballot, we are looking at tax increases again. The vote will fail in Arundel, because Arundel wants out, and only a small "Elite" group of people are sold on lies and deception from RSU 21.

    Arundel kids may not have the opportunity to go to TAMS, this vote will be telling, and I will tell you it is not over because this fat lady isn't singing yet!

  6. I attended a meeting last night and someone stood up and noted the mil rate in Arundel has not changed in 3 years. He appeard to know what he was talking about and the selectmen agreed.
    So waht's up? This last post says taxes have only increased sonce consolidation. Who do I believe?

  7. The corrected mil rates are on the Town Website, and if you find that you can't believe anyone then maybe you should pick up the Town of Arundel Report Books and sit down and do some simple math. If the Board of Selectmen Agreed, maybe they were talking about the town side of the budget and not the education part of the budget.
