Tuesday, May 17, 2011




    It is amazing that the RSU has sat on a TAX SURPLUS of OVER 2MILLION DOLLARS and have MADE A CONSCIOUS DECISION NOT TO FIX MSK's MOLD ISSUES which have and still are currently effecting staff and students in attendance at the facility, as well as those no longer able to work in that poor environment.

    It is also amazing that the RSU choose NOT to USE the SURPLUS TAX DOLLARS to remove asbestos at KHS...

    When you stand back and listen and read the materials released by the RSU...it is clear...the story is about the kids yet the actions are about MONEY!

    They continue to talk about borrowing 1.1 Million dollars @ 0% interest..to fix the schools.....making it sound like a great opportunity....almost like free money.

    This would still have to be paid back by the community over the next 10 years....as well as re-establishing a financial reserve as well.

    VOTE NO! and make a strong recommendation that they use OUR SURPLUS TAX DOLLARS to fix what is already broken!

  2. Take the gamble because it is the right thing to do for the kids in the community. Not to mention the amount of UNSOLICITED requests for Arundel kids to go to MSK make this potential payoff HUGE for the district. If the 30% from the survey 2 years ago is accurate, that is a savings of $2,000,000 over the course of 5 years. Imagine what it could be when they recruit. TAMS supporters are concerned about only TAMS. The savings we achieve from purchasing the contract will provide for improvements in all of our distrcit schools. These same TAMS supporters are the same ones that when it was evident TAMS would be educating the middle schoolers, screamed because they did not want to go to TAMS. That is of course not including the few that have moved to town to take advantage of using public $$ to support their private school. VOTE YES for the KIDS. Arundel kids should not be forced to a school out of district when the district is a K-12 school. And it makes sense to the taxpayer.

  3. Dear Jack a/k/a Frank,
    The right thing to do??? How would you know? Are you a parent of a middle schooler? I doubt it! There are a few select families that want to go to MSK,the same few you always hear from.
    Their are 149 students that attend TAMS and I can assure you that 149 of them are happy there.
    Arundel kids are part of this district and the public middle school for Arundel is TAMS.
    Whether the contract is bought out or not,they will still go there. The public already knows which kids from ML Day will go to MSK.
    Please explain the $2,000,000 savings in detail based on the fact that you will be spending $1.2 million for a buyout, plus tuition for Arundel students who will choose to go to Arundels Public school.
    We are 100% satisfied with TAMS and we are a Unified group.

  4. Just to make sure there are no conflicts of data, I suggest going to the RSU21 website www.rsu21.net and look at the presentation. Maybe someone can add a link or post the tables on this site. There is a bunch of data compiled by the district explaining how the buyout will benefit the district financialy. Data compiled by the individuals whose duty it is act on behalf of education and the taxpayer. Not information posted on a blog.

  5. The right thing to do? Did you forget that the students have homes to go home to at the end of the school day? 30% is not majority, and the RSU 21 survey was flawed because RSU 21 did not survey all of Arundel. Arundel kids are not being forced out of district, Thornton Academy Middle School is their school way before RSU 21 ever was. RSU 21 has not won the trust of Arundel, nor will it ever gain the trust of Arundel. The contract is a contract that Arundel does not want bought out, and with the fiscally irresponsible spending that RSU 21 is doing is taxing people out of their homes, making people cold in the winter, shortening a grocery bill and causing more reliance on State Governmental Funding. I think that it is cold for RSU 21 Board Members to not see a line item budget, and if the RSU Board can not find 1% of a $35+ million budget, then we have more serious issues. Arundel needs to divorce from RSU 21, sooner than later. The positive side to all of this is that now, you can have a regional high school in Wells, and let them deal with the frustrations and arrogance that we all have. RSU 21 will only tell you want you think you want to hear, and when you look at the data, it is something totally different. Sincerely, Part of the Myopic Minority!

  6. Did the RSU 21 ever share the actual survey results responses or make them available upon request? or did they just share their interpretation of the results?

    I have never been to an RSU 21 meeting where they presented a topic and ONLY 30% of the members showed interest..and cast a positive vote...The topic of TAMS should have been shelved and the contract should have runs it course or extended based on the survey results.

    Instead these actions have DIVIDED a small town effecting all residents with and without children for a long time to come which ever way the vote turns out.

    What would have happening in the following scenarios:

    A Business Meeting: The discussion would have been stopped immediately and moved onto next subject.

    In Government: NEXT TOPIC PLEASE...or a small group may have made some back room deals to try and pass the issue with some half truth information sharing and controlling meeting involvement by the opposition.

    IN RSU 21 School Board: Sounds like people want CHAGE! Proceed full steam ahead to divide the town, communities and WIN @ all cost!

    This is not about WINNING, but if you every hear our RSU21 School Board talk, that is all it's about.
