Friday, June 17, 2011

What are your thoughts, ideas and feedback concerning the local RSU 21 Unity and Concerned Arundel Citenzen Facebook Group Pages?

If you use the following sites and have thoughts, ideas and feedback on improving them please post your comments below:

Parents building bridges for RSU 21 UNITY.
open group - anyone  can see the post, active members and published post.

We are here to provide accurate and factual information about the district. If you are not interested in the facts or bringing this district together, this is not the group for you.

Concerned Arundel Citizens
closed group - anyone  can see the active members yet all post are private.


  1. I hear the Unity Group is deleting members, or will not allow some on the page. Can anyone explain to me why?

  2. I believe people were deleted for making inflammatory remarks, or not sticking to the premise of thoughtful discussion. The purpose of the RSU 21 page is to allow *all* residents of RSU 21 to participate, but it is not meant to be a forum whereby angry postings and fighting are allowed.

    I feel they are looking to create a space where people can learn topics relevant to the district, gather information, and participate in conversations. IIRC, the two or three people who were deleted came to the site making rude remarks, and the page is open to children. Given some of the events that occurred post and pre vote back in May, it's probably best that kids who view the page see that the grownups are working to foster a community, versus a boxing ring. (I hope that makes sense!)


  3. I explained this in an earlier response, but it looks like it was deleted.

    People who came to the group solely to make inflammatory remarks (as opposed to having constructive dialogue) were deleted. There were comments left that could have been viewed by children, as it's an open group, and the admins felt that in the spirit of community, those comments and their respective posters did not want to participate in that capacity. (2)

  4. I would like to point out that I was removed from the RSU Unity page for simply quoting a board member after the may 27 meeting, nothing more. If children should not be viewing such language then maybe our board members should not be using such language.

  5. That doesn't sound right, Brian. What was your post? (2)

  6. I simply responded to a post about unity by asking " how can we expect unity when a board member refers to those who voted no, as " having rocks in thier heads"". That was it, nothing more. I have had a request to join again open for some time now. I am a Kennebunk voter looking for info. I am a 3rd gen. grad and have a child at KHS. I am dissapointed at the response to my post and refusal to allow me to be part of the solution.

  7. I had disagreed with posts made on the UNITY site prior to the initial vote - I was never rude or disrespectful - I was personally "attacked" on the site and asked to leave - which I did willingly. After the recent votes - I asked to join the "Open" site again to truly start mending fences as many posts on the site were asking others to do. I was denied access with no explanation. Touting honesty, righteousness and "open" exchange of ideas to build a Unified community is a false statement if the site is not really "opened" to all ideas. Unity does not mean with have to have the same point of view - but it does mean we have to agree to disagree and find compromise and value in each other's opinion.

  8. And just like that, I've been accepted back on the RSU Unity page.........

  9. I was deleted form the page and did not post a thing. My first post was going to be that I going to call Thornton Academy and asked them to renogotiate the contract. I decided to wait until after I made the call. When I went back on, Poof, I was off the page. I won't ask again, for once simple reason, I was on the support TAMS side, and did absolutely nothing offensive. I was deaply offended when I was booted off because I was trying to do the right thing, and really felt sad that the TAMS buy-out got voted down, and all the kids parents who wanted their children to attend MSK couldn't under the current contract. Why is it that everyone feels like they have to have boxing gloves on? I won't do it, I refuse, and I will continue to do the right thing. I have a new perspective, and I will continue to strive for what I believe with honesty and integrity.

    I have thought long and hard about what the next steps needs to be. I guess I won't open the door again, because I got punched in the nose.

    What everyone really needs to realize is that we are all working toward the same goal, educating our kids the way we know best. Nobdoy should be faulted for that. But, we ALL need to behave like respectful adults. I know that I will, and I expect the same in return.

  10. Unfortunately, I have to agree with all of the posts here. It doesn't feel good when we all have the same vested interest, and sometimes a different view gets you thumped off a page. It should never be regarded as negative. I guess a point that should be made is maybe these types of pages are not good at all. We don't get to see faces, we don't get to read body language, and most people here post anonymous, so we have no idea who we are talking to. People get deleted because the view could be perceived as negative, but really it is just another perception.

    Fences? Bridges? Great Wall of Arundel? I don't know what the future of RSU 21 will hold, but the one thing that I will look out for is my community of Arundel, and balance and most importantly my children. With out that we have nothing.

  11. In response to the Anonymous post by # (2)
    on June 18, 2011 12:06 PM

    There has not been any post deleted from this site as you noted, your previous post was caught up in the spam filter and is listed on the site as posted by # (2) on June 18, 2011 6:50 AM.

    There was one post which was recalled by the person whom posted the message based on the content and tone of the message.

  12. Thanks for the update, arundelmaine.

    Melanie: When you called TA to ask them to renegotiate, what was the response you received? My guess is a big, fat 'no', since from what I understand, parents who want their children to attend MSK have been flat out denied.

    I don't see why the contract *can't* be negotiated to accommodate both groups and allow for choice, but then that (in my opinion) would be conceding that it's actually appropriate to do so, and I think the administrator/headmaster at TA is dead set against being wrong.

    Does anyone who has children who attend TA participate in their budget meetings? Do parents of TA kids get to vote on budget matters, or curriculum matters? Do you get to see the budget/paperwork involved with the budget? I am curious to see some numbers, but can't find anywhere on their site where that information is posted.

    Since Arundel is the only town that supports TA financially (for the most part), that information should be public to all Arundel folks, yes? (I mean, I feel like it should be, but not sure if it is) (2)

  13. PS - by TA I mean TAMS, not the high school. Should have clarified. (2)

  14. Anyone who wants to speak to Mr Stacio or Mr Menard can do so and get whatever answers they wish to get - Depending on what "others" said as "fact" is never wise. I suggest people call them directly and not depend on others for information.

    Posts mean so much more and hold so much more meaning when you sign your name to it - hiding anger behind "Anonymous" makes it hard to take things seriously.

  15. Not sure if that's directed at me, but I'm asking questions, not making angry comments.

    Someone mentioned that they tried to speak with Mr. Stasio about renegotiating the contract, and I asked about the conversation. I don't think there's anywhere where that will be found other than with the person who posted the comment.

    As for anonymous, I believe the creator of this site allows for anonymous comments, because there are people who are hesitant to publish their names, after all of the fallout that happened leading up to and after the May vote. I don't blame them for wanting to air their concerns and share their feelings anonymously. One might counter that using a nickname that isn't your name is equally as 'anonymous', yes? (2)

  16. I agree SESC, and anything that I have for information will be shared at a future school board meeting.

  17. SESC I have no idea who you are so you might as well post as anonymous. Does this make you an angry poster? Should I take anything you say seriously?

    There's alot of double standards in these posts. No wonder why there's so much confusion in this town. There's alot of complaining about the Unity page deleting people. Does anyone have any idea how many hours the admin's had to put in monitoring that site because of the inflammatory cmments posted? They needed a break and the only safe way to do that was to delete people most likely to pass on information to those on the Concerned Arundel page. That doesn't mean that those deleted were the ones posting inflammatory comments. I requested several times to be on the Concerned Arundel page. I was let on once and was deleted immediately after asking a question. I didn't whine and cry to the Unity page about it, but I'll do so now because people should know that the other page is just as guilty of same conduct. I think its worse because they don't even have an open site. What are they hiding?

  18. My last post magically dissappeared so I'll try again:
    SESC I have no idea who you are so you are no different than someone posting anonymously. Should I not take you seriously?
    The admin's of the Unity page needed a break from monitoring the page as stated on their site. I asked to join the Concerned Arundel site several times. I was deleted from the group when I asked a question on the page and have not been allowed in since. I did not whine and cry about it until now because so many seem to be using that against the Unity page. They are just as guilty of doing the same thing, so I don't understand all the complaints from them. At least the Unity page is open for all to read. What is the Concerned Arundel page trying to hide? If they want to remain hidden than stop whining about the Unity page. (3)

  19. Anon (3) What I believe is of issue is that Unity Page is about building bridges and Uniting the district. The CAC site has been around for quite sometime, and has always been closed, I think for a short period of time(days) it was open. The Unity Site doesn't allow questions to be asked or statements to be made if it is not of their opinion. I see a few key issues with all of these sites, a lot of this stuff should be handled in meetings where they are open and public. I think sometimes it is counter productive. The votes are the votes and they are what they are, and we all have to live with them which ever way it is that anyone one of us voted. Every issue brought forth has a chance of passing or failing.

    The negative drama that has been attached to all of this is just that, negative drama. For example the May vote, and people not talking to each other. We should be teaching our children to be respectful adults.

    I haven't seen, or how would I know if someone from the CAC site is complaining?

    Everyone here should take these pages for just what they are, a way to communicate. But, I know that things would more than likely be said differently if it were a face to face conversation, or if we had all of our names attached. We all may not agree, but isn't that what democracy is about?

    As with any of these sites, we all have the freedom to be there or not, the freedom of speech, regardless if others want to listen or not, and the administrators also have the right to boot someone off.

  20. Dear Anonymous #(3)
    i am glad to say that your post @ June 20, 2011 11:01 AM did not magically disappeared as you stated, yet was caught up in the SPAM filter on the site...If you follow the simple posting requirements which most people are nothing has or will be deleted based on viewpoint or discussion topics. At times there may be a delay in the actual post based on the SPAM filter and processing of all comments.

    To date only one comment has been removed based on a request by the person whom posted it...based on the overall tone of the content.

  21. I support Arundel- I agree with you especially your last paragraph. My problem is that the majority of people who keep bad talking the Unity page should realize that the CAC page is also guilty of everything they are complaining about. The Unity group seems to be keeping quiet and just taking all the heat that comes their way. I understand wanting to keep to the facts and wanting to stay positive, but at the same time it should be noted that the mud slinging is mostly one sided. Why is it ok for a closed group to deny access to people, but its not ok for an open group? Just because the group is open for all to see, doesn't mean they are willing to let everyone have a voice on it and probably for the same reason the CAC doesn't.

  22. I don't know of or have heard of anyone from the CAC page complaining about the Unity Page. I do not believe that any of this is one sided, and the CAC site has always except for a few days opened. With that being said, anyone had the opportunity to join the CAC page by request I believe, and not many people did so knowing that the page was there. I don't know if the page is ever going to be open, and as I believe the two pages have two different philosophies. I would say that I could support the Unity Group, in respect to building bridges, but as I see they have deleted people for asking questions, or not even posting at all. Which is counter productive to their cause.

    This is where I again do not believe that any of these pages Unity/CAC could have the potential for somebody not feeling bad, and in some ways could make one feel that they are not productive.

    This isn't all one sided as I have stated before. It seems to me that maybe if you tried to join the CAC page, or ask one of the administrators why you may get some understanding as to why you were deleted.

  23. I'm not an "Angry Poster" That is the danger of print and not face to face discussions. Reading feelings into things when they are not intended or even implied. I was referring to all that post "Anonymously" - I'm sorry you don't know who I am - Those are my initials. CAC is not hiding anything - let anger go - it will give you ulcers!

  24. SESC, I think you're confusing those who actually are angry with those of us who are posting. It appears that the people who are angry want to withdraw from the RSU as soon as Jan. 1 rolls around. The people who are angry have posted they do not trust the Board or the RSU, and the people who are angry have said that there will never be bridges built between the respective communities.

    I know for a fact people who never posted a word on the CAC site were booted, for no reason. I also know who it was that did it, and I can understand why, but unless someone made statements similar to those of the people who posted on the RSU 21 Unity page, there really was no reason to boot them.

    Concerned Arundel Citizens means Arundel Citizens. Not 'those people we deem to be safe enough to discuss these matters with'. There is nothing secret about the intent of those who are angry, and I can tell you as someone who does not support the withdrawal from the RSU, there will be many more angry people, when they realize they've just taxed themselves into oblivion by having to support the teachers at their current pay rate, support the maintenance of an elementary school, and pay $1M/year to transport middle school aged children to TAMS.

    My questions have gone unanswered; no one who is angry with the district cares to share why - this would shed light on the crux of the matter.

    No one who is angry will explain how things can be made right, other than to say it's the job of the school Board to make them happy - this is a statement that does nothing but deflect responsibility.

    If Arundel Maine CARES, they would be working to meet halfway, not hanging onto issues from the consolidation. Arundel voted to become part of the RSU; Arundel voted down the budget items. Arundel has made the choice to be part of the district, and they should honor that, much in the same way they said we should honor the contract with TAMS.

    It's very difficult to take someone seriously when they speak out of both sides of their mouth. This is not directed at you specifically, with exception to your comment about anonymity. Don't tell people not to post as anonymous if you're not going to do the same. (2)

  25. I have, as some of my friends have, asked to join the CAC group and have been denied with out a doubt, I know 5 people who were booted, and weren't even posting one of which was simply trying to get info on both sides.

    I also have seen some of the content before it was opened up (and cleaned up to open) and there were many derogatory comments made about board members and the RSU, again before it was cleaned up to open it.

    Unity is making people mad too, and clearly has booted people off for making negative comment to their point.

    Naran just decided not to let people on her page...again...people being denied access with opposing views.

    I think all pages are what they are, and have the right to be there, but lets not all throw stones at one another since we are all doing the same thing, no one here is innocent.

    THey all are stirring up anger because they are the statements of different opinions...we need to all just agree that we disagree....

    there was a statement made in one of the emails that went around before the vote that stated 'the board says they are listening but not once have they changed their mind'....But I venture to one has.

    And they shouldn't have to....we have all come to the conclusions that we have come to by looking at the picture differently...and somehow we all think that we are right and should hold the floor and everyone should change to our thoughts and ideas.

    That just isn't logical. What we should be doing is finding compromise so that no one in our town is marginalized...and no kids are left behind. Just my two cents...we have to stop trying to make everyone change their mind and suffer because we think they are wrong...we should be working together to come up with solutions...not hating each other and acting terribly to one another.

  26. Here's the thing - every site is its own entity. The owners of each site have First Amendment rights, and private property rights. What that means, is that they can allow, or not allow, members and posts, as they please.

    "As Maine Goes" (AMG)is a membership-limited site, for very good reasons.

    If one looks at the reader comment pages on the Portland Press Herald or the Bangor Daily News, (which both allow anyone to register and post), it's easy to see what a cesspool such sites can rapidly become, with angry and vicious arguments and posts that are plain abusive.

    AMG has been around since 1998, and the reason it's still such good quality is that we carefully screen people before allowing them membership. We also bounce people for breaking the rules, or for being obnoxious, boring and repetitive.

    It may annoy those who are denied membership, but those folks are always free to start their own reader forums or blogs.


  27. precisely Naran...therefore it should be the same for the Unity page which did nothing different than the other two pages....I just think that everyone doesn't like it when they are the ones removed or blocked.... But it is what it is...

    and frankly, we all have the right to read or not to read Naran's blog or the Unity page if we so choose.
