Saturday, June 18, 2011

What are your thoughts and concerns regarding LD 139?

State of Maine Legislature

Summary of LD 139
Bill Info
LD 139 (HP 121)
"An Act To Eliminate the Penalty for Schools That Did Not Reorganize"
Sponsored by Representative Peter Edgecomb

Status Summary

Reference Committee Education and Cultural Affairs
Last House Action 6/8/2011 -  PASSED TO BE ENACTED.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
Last Senate Action 6/8/2011 -  Under suspension of the Rules PASSED TO BE ENACTED in concurrence
Last Engrossed by House on 6/7/2011
Last Engrossed by Senate on 6/7/2011
Governor Action Signed by the Governor
Chapter 328 
Final Law Type Public Law
Date 6/14/2011


  1. Satisfaction! Gratitude! Hope! (1)

  2. I am not concerened at all, and happy that this has changed the consolidation law.

  3. But that only covers schools that did not reorganize, yes? (2)

  4. Concerned for MLDay school.

  5. I agree with Anonymous (9:35PM) - ML Day is going to be left in the lurch if Arundel pulls out of the RSU. Between teachers' salaries, maintenance of the building and then the costs of transportation for this school and TAMS + tuition, it would be foolish to throw away all the work that has been done.

  6. People seem to forget it isn't as easy as they think....we don't just pull out and go back to what we were.

    We have to keep the teachers salaries yes, but we also have to buy back our buses...

    buy back our school...with the added costs of the fixing they have done to it.

    I would sincerely hope that we would maintain the educational standards of GT and RTI and Foreign Language...the first two are state mandated classes that we were supposed to have before but did not.

    Not to mention we will need to hire a new principal.

    If people want to stay on our own, which has been indicated from time to time, we would need to hire a part time superintendent and his secretary.....

    If we decide to merge with another district we would have to have that plan in place...which took RSU 21 over a year to iron out all the details of.

    OH and don't forget everyone....when all your costs are fixed except K-5, the only place that you can cut is in K-5...and I am pretty sure that would be detrimental to ML Day and I have very little doubt it would be able to stay open.

    These are just things to think about... (No anger here, just things that I have been struggling with during this debate) and having kids at ML Day and knowing what a center it is to our community I find it very difficult to put it in such a precarious spot. (4) I have not posted here yet I assume I can put 4?
