Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mildred L. Day School

Mildred L. Day School Principal Kevin Crowley said the Arundel elementary school replaced their fleet of Dell computers with 36 new laptops. 

Crowley said the computers are also endowed with software titles in literacy, math and science. Third-grade teacher Doreen Labbe wrote a grant to secure the software. Education Foundation of the Kennebunks and Arundel funded the upgrades.

“It will be a very exciting year,” Crowley said. 

Crowley said Mildred L. Day School this year also would continue its effort to align its curriculum with the district-wide elementary school curriculum. 

The school last year began the two-year plan to align writing and math courses. Crowley said the school this year will continue the writing and math transition and also introduce the one-year plan to align science curriculum.


  1. Nice to see something posted on this site that is positive about the school. If you have not been to MLDay in a couple of years you should try to go. Although some improvements may not be visible, many are.

  2. Please Arundel don't divorce from RSU21. Our elementary students are thriving in this new educational environment. For those who don't think its any different, please go in for a tour. Come to the PTA meetings that are held every second Wednesday of the month.

  3. "Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion."
    Jim Rohn
