Saturday, June 8, 2013

Preliminary results from the Arundel On-Line Survey

Preliminary results from the Arundel On-Line Survey
are now available from The Chesapeake Group click here for the report.


  1. The study has a predetermined result. They will give a report based on what the town fed them (limited group of people with backward thinking)

    They will feed that right back as solution. $30 grand for it too. Thank you very much.

    This town is a joke. This survey is like the one in the early 2000s where no matter what answer you chose, it lead to the same conclusion to those who already made up their minds.
    The comprehensive plan people are the same people on the other boards. See a problem with that?

  2. Wow, looks like someone got a little bored on Thursday night and decided to bash the Town and those that are stepping up to the plate to be involved in the community. I am going to assume that the same person is responsible for the negative comments on the post about the Arundel Center, selectmen candidates and survey results. The posts were all made about the same time on Thursday night. The candidate results were a day later, but I can assume it’s the same person. We do not know because you are hiding behind an anonymous name. Quite cowardly, but understandable considering you are just throwing trash out there hoping to rile everyone up, trying to get some nasty arguments going. You really do not deserve a response, but you mentioned me personally and I don’t appreciate it. In case you have not noticed, the title of the blog is “Arundel Maine Cares”. It is to create awareness of what is going on this community and to create productive dialog that will inform and benefit the community. What you are doing is turning people off from wanting to be involved in the site. If Arundel is a joke, you should leave but chances are you don’t even live here.
    What makes you the expert about the survey and its results? That survey was available to everyone in Arundel that lives here. The study was 25k not 30k and many citizens were involved in individual conversation with the Chesapeake group, people that would be offended by your “backward thinking” comment.
    Do you know me? Do not tell me that I am making stuff up and I am factually wrong. I do not make “stuff” up. On a daily bases, I use programs that require zip codes only. Who are you to insult the EDC and what they are doing? First you are factually wrong with the comment about us wanting to separate from the RSU. We endorsed staying with the RSU and it was in every local paper. Maybe you need to pay attention. Identifying Arundel has nothing to do with breaking relations with the Kennebunk’s.
    The EDC is made up of a group of people who have devoted a lot of personal time and efforts to this town, as do the selectmen and other board members. If you do not like what is going on in this town then step up and get involved. Stop insulting and making slanderous, incorrect comments behind a cowardly anonymous name.
    Linda Zuke

  3. Since you like to repeat yourself. So you are spending $25k on a study for stuff that's be hashed over continously for how many years?

    But here's the rebuttal as posted to this same post elsewhere:
    1. Any software/program you use has NOTHING to do with economic development. NOTHING. The arguments to change the zipcode are based on anecdotal statements, not fact. And I'm quite sick of people who go to board meetings who state things as if they are fact. As for, type in Arundel and everything pops up. Do you REALLY think people are confused if the house is in either town? Really?

    And, there is a cost to change zipcodes that is not incidental.

    2. I never said the EDC wanted to separate from the RSU. Perhaps you should learn to read more closely. However, many of the same people who wanted to split from the RSU are the same people running around with arms flailing that a zipcode code will save the world. It's a waste of time and diversionary to anything meaningful for tax revenue. If this is the best solution for tax revnue the EDC can come up with, I'm laughing even harder now.

    3. You can take my posts however you want, but the EDC is inept and will do nothing to reduce Arundel's tax burden. You have a majority of the planning board who pretty much won't say no to any kind of development. Last I checked, adding 3+ bedroom home after home with 1.2 kids per home at $5k tax revenue vs $8-9k to educate them is a losing proposition. The ECD is powerless to stop it. Not criticism, fact.

    4. The town has only ~35-40% educated suburbanites. Until they become the majority and force out the backward, short-term thinkers that permeate the boards, people like me will sit on the sidelines.

    5. Arundel has citizens who question the basic value of a library and yet you think the town is progressive enough to consider paying and funding all the pie in the sky ideas like a village center? Not a chance. It was not a decisive victory to stay in the RSU either, and that would have been a disaster. So good luck finding an electorate who thinks long-term. Maybe those people should move to Saco.

    6. Telling someone they are bored and calling them a coward for posting an opinion? Passive-aggressive much? Don't even try and claim the high-road. That kind of behavior is precisely why the Town gets the same people on the boards year after year. If you don't go with status quo you will be marginalized and waited out until people quit in frustration. Thank you for showing exactly the way things are ;) Will be this way until the demographis shifts enough and then the townies won't know what hit 'em.

  4. Just wanted to make sure you saw my response. If you believe the 25K was not to be well spent, you could have voted it down at the town meeting.
    In response to your rebuttal:
    1) You have no idea what I use for software/programs. I have never used, never claimed to or how it works, and I do not think people are confused about where a house is located. This town has changed addresses twice in the past 20 years and survived.
    2) You did say the EDC wanted to separate from the RSU, if you are the anonymous post, Thursday, June 13 at 8:55 above. It was the EDC who brought forth the idea to change the zip code. FYI, if you do not like the idea of the zip code change, the Town Manager has a straw poll on the website and you can give your opinion there.
    3) What gives you the knowledge and privilege to call the members of the EDC inept?
    4) What qualifies you to call anyone backward? That is your excuse for staying on the sidelines?
    5) Were you at last year’s town meeting when the library funding was voted down? If not, then you really have no right to question what happened. Were you there at this year’s town meeting when the funding was voted back in? A classic example of what can happen when people work together and not against each other.
    6) I never called you a coward for posting your opinion. I called you a coward for hiding behind an anonymous name. That is not passive aggressive. My response was pretty direct, nothing passive aggressive about it. So you called me inept, you insinuated that I was uneducated and that I have a personality disorder. All because I am a part of a committee that is trying to make a difference in this town….and I still don’t know your name.

  5. Who I am is irrelevant and the fact that you want to know, one can only infer that you would want to make it personal. This isn't personal.

    The EDC is not effective since it's largely conceptual and based on macro ideology. What's lacking is analytical study.

    Do this:
    Look at total number of available housing lots (current and future) vs full build out of business/industrial base along Route 1. It's so lop-sided towards residential that even if you added twenty commercial properties over night, the increase in residential building and the cost of educating the kids it brings means you don't even break even.

    Adding to the development/tax revenue issue is a few large land tract owners with property on Rt 111 (do you know any of those people? ;) ) vehemetly oppose any development in the area so it cuts off development further. And, several of those same people also enjoy current use tax breaks so they aren't even paying their fair share so other residents pay twice.

    Arundel should just become part of Kennebunk or Kennebunkport. Going alone will just yield the same results of the past. Cold. Hard. Reality.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This report only made me hungry.... Why did so many of the questions reside around food? We can't realy be thinking we need more restaraunts or shopping centers can we?

    I am no consultant, but I find this survey difficult to undrestand how it will help Arundel with an identity??

    Can't wait to see the final report and recomendations....

  8. Arundel Maine Zip Codes 5 + 4Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 5:24:00 PM EDT

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Database of Arundel Maine Zip Codes 5 + 4

      The original post was removed by the site admin and re-posted (minus the detailed locations information as originally posted.)
