Friday, June 17, 2011

What are your thoughts, ideas and feedback for improving relations with the RSU21 Board and our communities?

What are you thoughts, ideas, recommendations on improving the working relationship with the RSU 21 Board of Directors and Our Communities  | Arundel, Kennebunk & Kennebunkport?
  • Communications & Messages
  • Presentations & Open Dialogue
  • Public Forums 
  • Social Media Forums and Communications
  • Understanding Citizens & Students Concerns
  • Listen & Respond with Empathy
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Sharing of Knowledge & Ideas
  • Information Access


  1. All of the above.

    More public forums that are accessible to more people, and not necessarily tied to a Finance Committee or Board meeting. Sort of a town hall/getting to know you gathering.

    I also think our local representatives need to be involved and engaged with their communities, so when contentious topics arise in their constituents' towns, they have an understanding of the issues, and can communicate up the ladder if the issues are not resolved.

    I feel that Arundel citizens need to get together themselves for some of these pieces outside of the school district aspect of it; our town is now facing a tax increase because of a lack of increase for the past three years.

    We need to figure out ways to solve our town problems, share ideas with regard to our town's needs, and get MORE PEOPLE involved. We are a larger community than 500 or 1000 people. Everyone needs to care and be involved - it's everyone's town!

    I think all of the points listed above are excellent, and totally workable. They allow for accessibility, promote collaboration, and could open the door to new and better possibilities. (2)

  2. Just thinking, some of the thoughts and ideas that you have many have done so at board meetings already.

    I also believe that any elected board member should be in touch with reality of what is going on in their town. Arundel was poorly represented, with the exception of Dan Pleva.

    Our town is facing an increase because of consolidation. Don't forget the facts. The municipal portion of the budget decreased to absorb education costs, directly coming from RSU 21.

    As you an everybody else can tell, Arundel is down out disgusted by RSU 21. Arundel needs to withdraw and end put an end to the divide. Lessons learned in all aspects. I don't think you realize that RSU 21 is not workable with Arundel citizens.

    Just the facts.

    Additionally, I am wondering if (2) is a Unity FB administrator. It would be nice if (2) posted their name.

  3. Nope, not an admin at all. Just someone who is working to apprise themselves of the facts on both sides; I don't understand the divide, so I'm trying to learn where it came from, and figure out how to close the gap. (2)

  4. No disrespect but Dan ran on a platform for better communication. How has that worked out so far?

  5. Can't change the bad communication, obviously. Please stop throwing stones. It takes the whole board working together. Dan is good at representing Arundel, and we do appreciate him. Sorry that you don't. If this is the same anon. poster as always, you have a really bad attitude, and no things won't change, and yes Arundel with withdraw, and then you'll be whining on the sidelines. Negative bull crap, and I am sick of it.

  6. Has there been a cost analysis conducted for withdrawal from the RSU? Because while there may be no 'sanctions' for withdrawing at this point, it's still going to cost money, right?

    And can Arundel afford to continue to pay the teachers at ML Day at the level at which they've been brought to *and* pay for TAMS?

    I don't know if this has already been discussed, but if anyone has links to any documentaiton, I'd appreciate it.

    Given our municipal taxes just went up after three years of a flat rate, my concern is that withdrawal from the RSU is going to cost money that will inevitably be charged to the taxpayers. (2)

  7. Although it is hard to follow with all the anonymous posters, I fully understand why they do so. Someone asked to "stop throwing stones". As I see it, you should also ask myopic minority to do the same with the statement "Arundel was poorly represented, with the exception of Dan Pleva."
    Different opinions don't constitute a thrown stone. I keep hearing that the school budget is the source of our higher taxes and why the rest of our town departments have suffered. If this is so why is our school budget now still LESS than what is was that last year we were on our own? This information was found at our town hall. Please show me proof that this is false, otherwise I can't understand why people want to divorce the RSU. (3)

  8. I don't think 350 - 400 people voting down our school budget speaks for the "whole" town of Arundel. I also don't think that gives you the right to claim that everyone in Arundel is "disgusted" with RSU 21. There are also no "facts" being represented in your statement Myopic Minority. If you would like to express your own opinions Myopic, that is your right to do so, but please don't speak for the town. I do not share your opinion, but I do live in Arundel. I, as well as many others, am very happy with what RSU 21 has brought to our children. Is there always room for improvement, of course. (4)

  9. "Additionally, I am wondering if (2) is a Unity FB administrator. It would be nice if (2) posted their name. "

    Holy cow. Myopic is a middle schooler.

    Myopic. What is your real name? My guess is you would not be so rude hiding behind "Myopic Minority." Then again maybe you would. Some people want to read to be informed, but after looking things over, this is not the place to do it. :-(

  10. That's okay; I posted a comment about how Myopic shouldn't ask anyone posting anonymously to do so using that nickname. That comment disappeared, though.

    It's interesting that *that* particular nickname was their choice; those of us who were involved in the process for the past two years know how some people felt about a Board member using those words as a statement about a very small group of individuals with a very narrow focus.

    While I'm sure Myopic didn't think it was funny, their comments do directly tie into the descriptor that was originally used, because to date, I have received ZERO answers to any of my questions, and people *still* can't explain to me the financial implications of pulling out of the RSU, the TAMS budget, or their reasons for being angry.

    They cannot/will not suggest anything other than the Board coming to *them* to make amends, and so I can understand why 'myopic minority' would be the perception of that small group of angered individuals. (2)

  11. Dear (2), Your comment did not disappear as you have indicated yet was caught up in the spam filter...which is checked on a 24 hour basis. It is posted as written.

  12. arundelmaine - my original comment didn't make it; it was directed to Myopic. The comment posted above managed to get through; thank you for the follow up. (2)

  13. Myopic is not a middle schooler...but my bet is that she works at one....

  14. I guess, I could be part of a "Myopic Minority" and proud of it. You are just as much disturbed by my name as I was when I got this message in my inbox. After hearing about my town community members being bullied over the chaos of the buy-out, watching Norm Archer chair the meeting where 2 board members ranted, about the election results and took away from the democratic process, you now have "Myopic Minority". A thought that was given to me by someone who allowed 2 board members to go against the code of ethics, soley produced and approved by RSU 21 Board Members.

    Here's the message:

    Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 1:23 PM
    To: A&D Johnson;; Nathan; Kate and Todd Moxham; Sarah Lachance; Andi Robinson; Liz Johnson;; Adam Dubay; MacDonald, Craig ; McDougald, Frank; Gaby Grekin; Bridget Lee; Betsey Mahoney; Pamela Richard-Wuerthner; Chris Robinson; Bob Stewart; Fiona Robinson; Underwood, Robert F (US - New York); Paul Verna; Larry & Kristin Matthews
    Subject: Tonight's Public Forum @KES

    Good afternoon, all,

    I just posted this on FB:

    If you support local education, please consider attending the public forum tonight at 7PM at KES. If you don't join the discussion the myopic minority, focused solely only on their wallets, will own the conversation. Participate. Make a difference.

    I know some of you are planning on attending....but it would be fantastic if we could get 20 more people there tonight in support of education.

    The letters I've been getting from some of our constituents are appalling and primarily based on deceitful data and scare tactics.

    We can combat what's likely to be a rough, anti-education, anti-RSU crowd.

    Whether you can attend or not, please help spread the word to your friends!

    And thanks for ALL that you do!


    So your are entitled to your view, as well as I, and unfortunately, I am not part of a myopic minority, now am I?

    I am not a middle schooler, and I do not work at one, and as I have been given the title of "Myopic Minority". The only way to post a comment is to give the name that was provided to me by the chair of RSU 21.

  15. If you've self selected the nickname because you are angry that a small group of residents felt that to avoid tax increases and feared a TAMS shutdown were called the 'myopic minority', that's entirely your choice.

    The financial decisions made by the residents of Arundel in both the district and town votes are indeed shortsighted. Withdrawal from the RSU is only going to illuminate that further, if that's the road they take. (2)

  16. *First paragraph should have read .."feared a TAMS shutdown and voted in a reactionary manner"...

  17. Myopic Minority- Deceitful data and scare tactics were used on the first budget vote. The yellow flyer I received does not state that the increase was due to state evaluations. It was not due to the RSU.Nor is it mentioned that the increase would have been the same if Arundel was still its own municipality. It also states a GUARANTEED SAVINGS of $1,186,099.20. There was no savings, that amount was used to reduce the budget for a ONE year fix to appease the citizens who voted against the budget. The RSU undesignated fund balance is now below the state recommended percentage. Not a very sound business decision.
    An example of a scare tactic used was when my neighbors got a call the night before the vote and were told that their taxes were going to go up by 50% if they vote yes! Not just a scare tactic, but an outright lie.

  18. Not so sure about who is really being deceitful. Consolidation was supposed to save money. We haven't saved any at all. Not only have we not saved any money, but we have a town that has been so disrupted people are no longer talking to each other. There was no guarantee of savings, and there would have broken even after the 5th year. I did the math. For a small few we could have bought out a contract, and for a small few we wouldn't see any savings. For a small few, out town was disrupted, and for a small few we pay more in our taxes because it is a small few who like RSU 21. For a small few, it didn't matter if people were going to be put out of their homes, or couldn't buy groceries, oil, gas, or clothing for their kids. The list continues grow.

    There is no scare tactic, it was common sense voting, because Arundel isn't happy with RSU 21, *and we all want them to prove otherwise*.

    If the cost sharing formula doesn't get adjusted based on 100% property valuation, Arundel will see no savings. Arundel shouldn't be paying for a high school or a middle school where they have choice. Ask yourself this, 30-60 mil $ for 78 students who attended KSH last year? How much sense does that make? 30 mil$ for 78 students, 60 mil$ for 78 students. Very telling answer there.

    Arundel wants out, such disrespect from the board members of RSU 21, and we are only enrollment #'s, and $. Thanks but no thanks, I don't need another town (2) deciding what is in the best interest of my town.

  19. Anon said, "Consolidation was supposed to save money". It did save us money, Arundel's school budget is still less now than it was when Arundel was on its own. Arundel doesn't pay for its own superintendent or a secretary for the superintendent. Thousands of dollars have already been spent on MLDAY repairs and many programs have been added, all without increasing our budget.

    Its not a small few who are disrupting our town. Its a small few who are fighting for controlled taxes, sustainable education and factual information.

    Common sense and due diligence was not exercised on this vote.

    Those that voted no shot themselves in the foot when it comes to the cost sharing formula. You complain of taxes, yet you voted down an article that would have saved you $. Arundel will see no savings thanks to you. Only 13% over EPS would have remained 60/40. The rest WAS based on property evaluation alone. Next year our property evaluations drop by nearly the same amount that it increased this year. Its not 30-60mil$ for 78 students. Its for ALL students in KHS. We are now three towns not one. Also, we still have a say in what the new high school looks like. I don't think everything that they are asking for is necessary and intend to voice that as I will have my child attend that high school since it is in a district that I pay taxes for. Your welcome for keeping tax payer dollars in our district to help keep your taxes controllable.

    Arundel can't afford to divorce.

  20. To assume that I am complaining about taxes is false.

    Sorry you have no idea about Arundel's taxes. Are portion of the school tax went up again this year, not due to the fact that Arundel voted down the cost sharing formula.

    We all see what the future holds.

    Arundel can afford to divorce, and that is where we disagree.

  21. No one is assuming *you* are complaining about taxes. You will be, though, if Arundel withdraws from the RSU. And until that happens, you will be because the cost sharing proposal was voted down.

    Our portion of the school tax went up, but not as much as it could have, because someone asked the board to give us a one time tax relief.

    Next year, when there is no money to apply toward tax relief, we're back up to 89+ for the school share.

    Our municipal taxes just went up as well; the budget for Arundel was approved.

    Either way you slice it, Arundel has no money, and won't have money to sustain itself if a withdrawal goes through.

    I hope that those involved with the behind the scenes process lay out on the table *exactly* what we'll be paying for; there is no way that the money to do so is going to grow on trees, so where do you think it will come from? There is $350K in surplus. For now.

    That's not going to completely pay for a 'divorce' - enlighten me. Where will additional funds come from? And do you realize the costs involved, and the upheaval this will cause?


  22. "You complain of taxes, yet you voted down an article that would have saved you $. Arundel will see no savings thanks to you. " You also assumed how I voted!

    Do you realize how much upheaval the TAMS buy out caused? Do you realize how much upheaval consolidation has caused?

    As per your own words, consolidation is going to raise our taxes.

  23. I never said consolidation is going raise taxes. What I said was voting down the TAMS buyout and cost sharing formula is going to raise taxes. Voting to divorce will definitely raise our taxes.
