Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thumbs down for Domine, up for Ogunquit as posted by

June 09, 2011 2:00 AM
Thumbs down to RSU 21 Board of Directors member Bob Domine for his inappropriate, outlandish behavior at a May 27 meeting. Domine alternately yelled, pounded on the table, talked over his fellow board members and the gaveling of Chairman Norm Archer, and launched into a rambling football analogy, all in an attempt to voice his displeasure over both questions posed by his fellow directors and the May 24 public vote. Domine also pushed back from the table, refusing to participate further, and said those who believed the vote on the Thornton Academy Middle School was a mandate from the entire community must have "rocks in their head." By acting in this way, Domine showed his disrespect for both his fellow directors and the voting public. He also did a great disservice to the Kennebunkport residents he purports to represent by repeating, more than once, "I have wasted my time" in discussions with the board over issues they declined to put before voters again. If Domine truly feels this way, he is welcome to step down from the board and allow someone interested in serving to take his place. At the very least, Domine owes a public apology to his fellow directors and the public that was forced to watch the spectacle that was the May 27 meeting. Things are strained enough in the district right now without Domine adding his drama to the mix. Let's leave the acting like children to the children.
Thumbs up to the town of Ogunquit for being such a good friend to the environment. The town recently was recognized by Maine Audubon for its ongoing efforts to protect the piping plovers nesting along its beaches. Cindy Douglass, the plover monitor coordinator for Ogunquit, along with her cadre of volunteers has done a stellar job of keeping people and their pets away from the endangered birds. Town officials have also been supportive, even finding a creative solution allowing for both the birds to nest and the town's annual fireworks to coexist. And speaking of town officials, kudos to Town Manager Tom Fortier for receiving the Green Apple award for public policy for an ordinance passed in November to keep cigarettes and hazardous litter from smokers off the beach. Prior to the new ordinance, Ogunquit officials estimated there were 22 cigarette butts per square foot along the beach. Anything that takes both cigarettes and the second-hand smoke they produce away from people, and keeps pollution off the beach, deserves to be recognized.
Thumbs down to Kennebunk Town Manager Barry Tibbetts for his comments at a recent meeting that the discussion of a proposed regional high school was "public" because the media was present and that notice of the meeting — held in Kennebunk Town Hall — wasn't his responsibility because it was initiated by officials from Ogunquit and Wells. Given that Tibbetts was one of the officials who initially asked the Coast Star to leave the meeting, and then invited us back, and that it was held a floor above his own office, his reasoning seems disingenuous at best.
Thumbs up to the graduates from Kennebunk High School and the soon-to-be graduates from Wells High School on their accomplishments so far. Aim high — the sky's the limit.
And a final thumbs up to all of the candidates running for election in our towns June 14. All are willing to give of their time and themselves to serve others. Let's honor their dedication by taking the time to vote.
— York County Coast Star


  1. If you missed the Domine's inappropriate, outlandish behavior highlighted in the article above you can view it @

    Set the time line @ 37:16 to see and listen to the start of his rant.

  2. Hats off to Bob for not hiding like most of the naysayers. Including Arundelmaine@roadrunner aka I care about TA!

  3. When you walk through life blind, and only seeing one vision, you miss out on a whole lot. When you walk through life supporting a negative balance, and people who should be supporting the "Code of Ethics" as agreed to by RSU 21 board members, and down out arrogance, RSU 21 will end up right where it belongs, no RSU. Bob Domine's rant was wrong, just as much as you are for supporting it. Not everyone on this page is supporting TA, and to make that assumption is wrong. Take the blinders off.

  4. Domine was out of line on so many levels there's no counting them. The other person who failed the public was the chairman, who should have gavelled Domine into silence, no matter what it took to accomplish.

    Somehow, I think if the ranting had been coming from Ed Geoghan, the gavel would have descended continously, followed by the police if necessary to achieve silence.

  5. The bullying started with the school board, and empowered citizens to continue it. Agreed Naran. (1)
