Sunday, July 14, 2013

Survey says: ‘Where’s Arundel?’

By Alex Acquisto
ARUNDEL — Howard Kohn of the market and branding organization The Chesapeake Group formally addressed the board of selectmen and most members of the Economic Development Committee dotting the crowd on Monday evening with a presentation of Arundel’s issues, weaknesses and strengths he has compiled over the last few months.

The town of Arundel hired the market and branding group based out of Maryland earlier this year for $25,000 as an effort to resuscitate the township in collaboration with Arundel’s comprehensive economic plan.

Residents were asked to participate in a survey accessible on the town’s website in the spring; 23 percent of households re- sponded to the survey.
Kohn used personal pronouns when describing Arundel and its residents. “This is what we have to offer,” he said.

Lifted from the proposal that the Chesapeake Group sent to Town Planner Todd Shea earlier this year, its goals are as follows: “placing Arundel within the context of the larger economy and trends; assessments of site-specific opportunities, generally within the context of larger geographic areas; economic revitalization, including ‘Main Streets’ and mixed-use development plans; community development strategies; defining opportunities for emerging research and development related to agricultural production, natural resources and technology application shifting; and tourism development.”

Said Shea in April, “TCG is helping us find an identity that sets us apart from our surrounding communities, and to do that while utilizing our resources and not exploiting them.”



  1. Arundel is a business and business owners are the stakeholders??? Start from the top down?? I am a stakeholder and shareholder and I do not own a business. Where does that place me?

    What is our identity or when will we have a new one? Not convinced I have heard enough to justify the $$ I will keep listening. .... or shall I say reading.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I want to thank the anonymous poster who felt the need to display the address of what was meant to be an anonymous post from me as 04046-8777. It appears there is no need to change our zip code after all. All we need to do is add the +4 and there is plenty of information to provide our identity. Or at least in this case narrow it down to a few households.

    I ask the poster who felt the need to place the address information of my attempted anonymous post, why they felt it was important to do so? A bit salty maybe?

    You did not add to the discussion, you only forced me to do the right thing and own the post so that my neighbors would not be the assumed writer. It is also clear, you do not want to be identified or else you would have placed your name and owned your post. You still have time to reveal yourself, but I doubt you will.

    My name is Matt and I look forward to the continued discussion.
