Sunday, October 18, 2015

Smell ‘like manure’ permeates York County communities

An official in Arundel, where the odor reportedly originated, calls it 'stronger than anything I think I ever smelled.'

At least four York County communities were inundated with a powerful stench Wednesday, local officials said.

The smell, which they said resembled manure or raw sewage, apparently came from a farm off Route 111 near Hill Road in Arundel, although public safety and elected officials said they did not know – or would not disclose – the exact source.

“All I heard is that a farm on Route 111 was dressing the fields, and that the smell would go away in a day or two,” said Velma Jones Hayes, vice chair of the Arundel Board of Selectmen. “That smell today was stronger than anything I think I ever smelled.”

The stink reportedly stretched well into Biddeford and Saco and even reached sensitive noses as far away as Old Orchard Beach.

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