Friday, December 27, 2013

Renovation impact deserves careful study

To the editor:

The ancient tale of the elephant and six blind men comes to mind when I read recent letters to the editor regarding the RSU 21 proposal of $74.8 million for renovations of the school systems of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel.

In that tale, the blind men are asked to determine what an elephant looks like. One blind man feels a leg and says the elephant is like a pillar; the other men say: the tail, it’s like a rope; the trunk, a tree branch; the ear, a hand fan; the belly, a wall; and finally, one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe. They all compare notes and learn that they are in complete disagreement.

The RSU 21 proposal is variously portrayed as: more than most in our communities can afford, a long overdue renovation of a shockingly unsafe high school with leaks everywhere, classrooms in a pre-tech condition in rundown buildings with no sprinkler systems and inadequate bathrooms. It is asserted that the nearly $75 million renovation would not be complete without expanded athletic fields and a costly new visual and performing arts center, all of which will reward business owners and homeowners, increase property values and bring an influx of businesses.

The impact of the complex financing requires careful study. The actual total amount to be paid with interest will be $113 million for a 25-year-bond period. Director Tim Hussey says he hopes that, “This financing strategy ... does make this easier to swallow for a lot of folks.” Director Diane Robbins disagrees, saying ultimately taxpayers end up paying more, including the interest and, “That only benefits the bank.” A Kennebunk selectman says, “It is probably the largest dollar amount ever voted on in this town.”


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